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Posts posted by rambo1969

  1. I work as a cab driver in london and my firm does a regular job where we pick a old boy up and take him to his sisters every week. Ive taken him at least 100 times and this week we started talking and one thing led to another and he started telling me about his war service, on MTB's!.


    He nearly died once because another MTB fired on him by mistake!. He left the navy as a petty officer and we spent nearly an hour chatting.


    He was a pleasure to talk to.

  2. I often feel that there is not enough photos of different land rovers, I understand that there are loads of landys about, but it does not mean they have to be ignored.


    As for security, we had a rottwieler camped with us and someone was brave(stupid) enough to nick my mates lightwieght hood!.


    What I would like to see is security patrols through the night in the areas where people camp, this might stop people driving whilst drunk!. Someone missed my landy by about an inch whilst they were reversing with a can of beer in thier hand!!.



  3. 04:bing(east london dodgy squaddies)

    05: Mark (Mark)

    06: Chris (Sirhc)

    07:francesca(east london dodgy squaddies(junior member)

    08:rambo1969(east london dodgy squaddies)





    13:danny, rambo's dad(east london dodgy squaddies)

    14:alan, (east london dodgy squaddies.



  4. I did not realise they were so rare, I spoke to my dad today and the real one is safely locked up indoors!.

    I'm not sure how to post photo's yet, it's top of my list of things to learn.

    He will be at the photo shoot friday.

  5. My grandad was a REME mechanic who served with the LRDG in the dessert during WW11, and he used whatever equipment he could get his hands on.


    When he came back to england for the D day landings he was arrested at liverpool street station because he had his rifle with him and looked so scruffy the police thought he was a tramp and had nicked the rifle!. He was wearing a british issue shirt with no sleeves, italian officer trousers that had been cut down to make shorts and german boots!.


    He was also given permission to wear two cap badges by the LRDG, one was the LRDG cap badge and the other was his REME cap badge. My dad has them on his sun hat and can be seen at most shows with the badges.

  6. Roadsure customer services should be sorting this out, but I will bet my left testicle that they are saying something along the lines of "we cannot be held liable for our sub-contractors blah blah blah".

    I feel that Roadsure are liable, your contract is with them, not the breakdown service, but I bet that somewhere in thier terms and conditions that there is something about "not being liable for third party mistakes etc etc".


    The most annoying thing about all this is that they target military vehcile owners, if thier contractors are no good at recovering military vehciles why target military vehciles ?.


    I am happy to sign a petition, but I don't think it will make any difference, I would much rather hang around at thier stall and warn future customers what they are like.


    The whole situation is typical of the "it's not my fault gov" situation we seem to have in this country.


    It's a bloody disgrace!!!!.

  7. Go to your local car paint shop and get synthectic satin finish, it does'nt mark as easily as matt and is easier to wash and keep clean.


    Use a gloss roller for the green and have some aresol's made up for the satin black, it will look brilliant!. I did my 110, my dads champ and 2 off my mates lightwieghts the same way.

  8. I always camp in the americas field, and when I first started going to W+P there were loads of toilets in the field, they were in blocks of four placed over the field.

    The reason that they smell and are dirty is that they don't get cleaned enough for the amount of people using them.

    Every year I tell rex the same thing about the toilets and every year the reply is the same, "i'm sorry, we are going to use a different supplier next year and they will be better". but every year they are the same.


    When you go to W+P this year, have a look and see how many people hire thier own toilet, it proves the point.


    Rant over!


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