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Amphibi boy

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Posts posted by Amphibi boy

  1. I just watched the gadget show, and when they show the prizes in the competition give away, they had the "big track tank" this is a new production of the same toy i had as a yougster. In the 70's/80's

    Its 6 wheel programable vehicle, no so much r.c, anyway it got me thinking about some of the r.c. Vehicles i had/ or wanted. (dreamed for) :D

    So this is my question, if my memory is correct, there was an advert on t.v. 70's/80's about a tracked amphibious vehicle i think similar shape to the american aav, but cant be 100% sure. Also cant remember if it was in military colour or not, i do recall that in the advert it was driven in the garden, and i believe in the pool.

    So do any of you remember this, or even had one? And what it was called, been googling to see if i can find it, but nothing as yet. :nut:


    Thanks all


  2. Be careful when you use this, as the engine will get addicted to it if you use it too much.

    We used to have an old ford cargo v8 for shunting trailers, it had dodgy head gasket, fine in summer, but it needed a whiff of start pilot in the cold, but it got so used to it that once winter was over, it would'nt start without it :nut:


    Also if you just want the tin of spray, then you can also use brake cleaner, it is also excellent for starting weak/cold engines!


    Im sure you could get some at your local parts store. Im not sure about a bigger quantity for filling your reservoir on the daf!



  3. Weasel's just look so great in the snow, (but then again i think tracked vehicles tend to look better in the snow)

    With all this snow we're all having, i hope we will start to see pictures of the bv 202, 206 and the snowcat's playing. Hint,hint all you owners, get out and play and take some photo's. :D

  4. How did it go? All ok i hope. :D


    So have you taken it out for a play yet? I spun mine around the yard the other evening at work, had to turn it round in workshop so used it as an excuse to play.


    Not had it down the road in the snow yet, think it would be interesting.


    When you do play, dont forget the pictures and video! We all love piccy's and vid's :cool2:




  5. I have some photo's taken at this collection,

    i used to visit it whenever down there on a course, used to shoot off to lunch, then spend the rest of the lunch break oogling and drooling at the collection. :nut:

    Have the land rover "funnies" will look for them and have to scan them for up load as they are pre-digital.

  6. Excellent work, tres tres bien!


    Seeing the pictures of this, then we all know the restoration of the sherman will be just as good. :D


    Just a note about the bronze bushes on the s cams, we have a few trailers come in for repair and service at work, 2 weeks ago i had to renew all the brakes on a "Lohr" trailer (i believe there french made) and they are bronze bushes, its only about 5 years old. They will last if there lubricated well, this trailer had not seen a grease gun in years i think. So they wore through.


    So, great work, and it looks like you have a few in the yard waiting for your hands! :cool2:

  7. Will be great when its finished, good to see another piece of history saved, keep up the good work, and enthusiasm.

    I like the way parts turn up "found it with an old man" i would love that engine as centre piece in my garage.

    restauration Excellent mon ami, tres bien, bonne chance! :D



  8. They all have the blanking plate on the transfer box for the p.t.o.

    As said above, they are (except the wolf) 12/24 volts,

    So you can go either way with a night heater, different ones on the market, i got a second hand erberspacher from a truck, (free) wich makes it even better. It will make a difference in a defender! :D

  9. You should be out playing in the snow this weekend, no doubt you'll have lots of people flagging you down,

    "can you just pull me out of the ditch" or "can i come for a ride"


    Take plenty of pictures! We all like pictures! :D



  10. Great pictures, there's always something about m.v's In the snow, they just look great. Your half track looks like it could be back there in 44. :D


    When we say its cold, we have to think of the guy's who fought in the ardennes day in day out, in freezing condition, i have much respect for them and what they did.


    Keep the pictures coming all of you, get a scalf on and go for a drive! My stolly is in workshop and i dont know if i will finish the work in time to get out and play in the snow.(unless i take one in the yard)



  11. Yes it was becoming a high maintanence vehicle, so they removed the amphibious drive as helicoptors were able to lift more weight, so they amphibious role was no longer needed.

    As said they removed the drive shafts and some units even removed the bevel boxes.

    (who knows, maybe somewhere there is a container full off these parts! If they did'nt just weigh them in for a bit of beer money). :D

  12. Yet more great stolly pictures, they seem to be dotted all over the area. :D


    I have a picture of that prototype somewhere, i will look for it this weekend, it was a forward control cab layout, 6 wheel drive.



  13. Hi steve,


    The stolly pictures are great, thanks

    Its amazing what the army do to expensive equipment once its served its usefulness, its a shame to see any of the vehicles shot up, but i know its necessary for the training.

  14. This has been a scam for ages, they tried it with one of my unimogs.

    I replied you come here with the cash, or your shipping aggent brings cash then its yours, funny thing, i had no reply.


    But be warned many people have been conned by this.


    They come pick up your item your selling, you give them back the excess money, keeping your extra bonus for "being so helpfull"


    Then in 2 weeks your bank tells you the cheque is duff, you lose your vehicle and money!


    There is so many scams out there, you have to be so carefull, but they will try anything. If it sounds to good to be true, then it normally is, like the "you have won something in a competition" just send "x"amount to release it from customs! Yeh right, i didnt even enter a comp, so how can i win. Be suspicious allways. :nut:

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