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Amphibi boy

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Posts posted by Amphibi boy

  1. Sorry,

    but just going back on about the salvage squad stolly, in the program as they were finding out about its history etc, the presenter was saying they need to find some swim gear for her, he then said its likely that she has never been swum before,

    well she had, because about a month after the program i went to see my friend (ex stolly driver) and was chatting to him about it, then he took me to his office, pointed to a picture on the wall, it was a old photo of him driving out of a river in germany in the very same stolly, so it did swim in service! (just my 2 penneth worth) :-D

  2. so could you not just drive down the road, find a slip way and go for a swim,

    i remember when i was a kid, my dad's friend had a small zodiac, he had no licence, tax whatever, because he took it down to river (thames, berkshire) played, then took it out and home again! may be the rules have changed.


    ref the salvage squad program, the stolly rebuild/restore, i was told that the guys at the tank museum did most of the work!

  3. i've also just read it all, :wow:


    amazing work and huge congratulations on a beautiful job!


    also, i know here in belgium at the tank museum they have a multibank sherman, and it runs, they brought it to "wings and wheels" show, at ursel airfield, last year.


    thanks again.

  4. yeh your quite right actually, now you've said that, it used to be different when there was more dealers getting eqt direct, but maybe because they now do tender.!?

    do you know if its the same for the direct sales?

    thanks for the correction! consider my hand slapped! :cry:

  5. There both good trucks, usually! except some faults, but its difficult to compare them against each other,


    the leyland is, "mmlc" medium, mobility, load,carrier

    and the foden is, "immlc" improved,medium,mobility,load,carrier.


    each have there plus points, and each there negative! i know wich one i prefer! (but then i am a big butch foden bias person anyway!) :-D

  6. Hi 50 cal


    not hard evidence on paper, but a good friend used to work at a dealer in grantham, at the time when cvrt's were coming out, he had the job of collecting them, and then delivering them, when he told me that for a batch of about 15 they paid something like a couple of grand! (sorry memory fades with age, but it was around that price as i was so gobsmacked) :shocked:

    i believe now that withams is stated as being the sole dealer for demob eqt i suppose he could just sit on the stuff as he has no real competition, which like people say is good for business,

    oh what it would be like if we all won the lotto! :-D

  7. Hi all, happy new year!:yay:


    Was thinking, why do the dealers allways want so much, yes i can understand if its rare or unique. but when they have lots in stock, surely its better to sell them cheaper (because they get them surplus for next to nothing) than to insist on higher prices, then they wont sell, so will just sit there rotting away! and end up being scrap.:-(


    i used to live near a certain dealer at an old rocket site! and i went looking for a stally, he had 2 there at the time, hatches opened filling up with water and mould, his price was high, i offered him less, and he said "no problem, they can stay there" that was some years ago, they are probably scrap now. :cry:

    and the same i see with bv 206's, there is a dealer with a field full of them, but he wont sell many as his price is so high, better to sell them to an enthusiast who will look after and care for it! i would love one, but not at his prices! :nono:

    just my 2 pennies worth! what do you think!

  8. recymech66, the abro "midlife refit" i would rather call it a "midlife re-spray" we had one that came from the supposid refit, and they had just litterally re sprayed it. it was refused and sent back! :nono:

    oh the problems we had with abbro! they get away with it, because its too much paperwork for the recipiant to fill out to complain, it would have been better if they were owned by the m.o.d. or if they had competition from other companies! but they had the monopoly so they didnt care! :argh:

  9. yes for a suspended or supported tow, the hamper was lifted by the crane, and strop, then at the height needed, it was pinned, with two top hats and the pins! then the crane lowered and stowed for driving.

    the strop could be left attatched, unless the hamper was raised to the last four hole sets, then it had to be stowed in the slewed possition, so the strop had to be disconnected once the weight was off it. :cool2:


    i see one reccymech, who lowered the crane with the hamper high, he didnt slew, just lowered, on the road he went under a bridge, with the resulting outcome, he wedged the foden so hard it lifted the front axle clear of the road! :nono:

  10. Kevin

    its better to view, but as you said its a long way.

    the guide price is just a guide, and for me a high one, considering some of the condition that they are in. obviously he is trying to get as much as he can for it, but its the m.o.d. who put the reserve on them, the more he gets, the more cut he makes. i know withams has the contract down here, but does he cover the disposals of scotland also? there's transport depots up there also! just a thought.

    we got ours for alot less.

    if you want one, i would suggest you call or mail crouch, tell him what your after, good one, concourse one, or fully working complete but in need of t.l.c etc then let him get you one, you may have to pay a little more but it will be less hassle than getting one from the tender, as you can go view and bid, cant take it away unless you win it in auction, then you have a limited time to collect! the ones in the direct sale i think are too expensive!

    hope that helps.

  11. good job its the weekend! although im an hour in front over here! best go get another brew!


    "theres a foden in there somewhere":shocked:


    this was on ex, the wksp co insisted we cam up! but after cam on, cam off, for 5 or 6 call outs i said, "bol****s" to that, :argh: and just put a skirt up around the sides, so it was easier and safer (try to cam a foden) to do it!


    (so i think you've guessed ive found some of my photos!) misses is looking at me puzzled as to why im all giddy like a kid again!! oh memories of the fun times! :yay:

    theres a foden in there!.jpg

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