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Amphibi boy

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Posts posted by Amphibi boy

  1. Unfortunately this is the way they are going, as vehicles become more and more advanced and emission friendly.

    I was helping with the evaluation and acceptance of some bucher duro trucks into the army. You plugged them in to p.c. To check faults etc, ( good for the mechanic's ) but there was a design fault, with the master switch. :blush:

    When you turned off the ignition you had to wait minimum of 30 seconds before turning off master switch, but they are situated right near the driver so no matter how often we tried to educate, it was just easy for the driver to turn off ign, then straight away turn off master, before jumping out. This caused faults with the e.c.u., and after a certain amount of times it rendered the e.c.u for the bin. :red:


    We have a mk3 supacat, ready for rebuild, with some of the sensors broken on the gearbox, so will have to renew them then probably have it plugged in to be checked!

    Where did you have it done? At a v.w. Garage or an independant?




  2. May he rest in peace,

    as said he was a real genuine guy, and to so many a hero.

    In the series "band of brothers" when they spoke to him, and he told the story about his grandson,

    "grandpa, are you a hero"

    "no grandpa is'nt, but he served with a company of hero's".

    As he tells this he is obviously choked up, and sad, it just shows what an honourable man he is, ( and it always choke's me to watch that) like so many my grandfather also fought in normandy, and he was my hero.

    Unfortunately, the veterans that fought for our freedom, are slowly becoming the few, lets just hope that future generations continue tomstudy and learn what they all did for us, and why, and give them there respect.

    R.i.p. Major winters

  3. I always remember,

    While you load a game, you could go have a drink, watch some t.v,

    Come back and it would still be loading! :shocked:

    Then you see it finally at 98%, so are excited about playing the game, then suddenly it fails to load! And crashes! Aaarrrrggghhhh! :nut:

    I also spent a whole afternoon writing in a program, then ran the program, for it to just do a stupid few things! What a waste of time! (give me a spanner any day) :D

  4. Its common with beddies at first.


    It was good practice to drive them round the yard to warm them up before going out, the one driver who forgot or didnt know as we set of on excercise, loaded up with squadies, the first time he hit the brakes we all flew to the bulkhead.

    He knew after all the foul abuse he got though!:D


    Even when we were brake testing them, we just drove round the parking with foot on brake for a minute, stop's them grabbing.


    Otherwise a great vehicle.




  5. Hey phill,


    Yes they are fun, and as you say the hubs are l.r, but the swivells, although identical in looks, are heat treated differently, and so are stronger than the land rover.


    Thats the mk3 you have there, i have mk2 manuals, and a couple of mk3 manuals, (without looking, i think operator's and maintenance for the mk3) there's some differences from the mk2, but they are mostly the same.


    Paul, they are fun to drive, still a little bouncy, but better than the argo, and more fun with the two steering methods, plus alot faster! :D


    Great photo of the amphib rover, i recently posted a early photo of it on the thread about the borden museum.




  6. Ah, thanks for that, it was bugging me, and more i tried to think of his name the less i could!


    Yes he was a top fella, he retired when i was down there once, bought him a bottle of red wine, he was quite touched, his wife was not so well at that time also, hope she is better now.


    He told me a great story about him in egypt with a scammell explorer, but as they say, " thats another story" :D


    Thanks again 66!




  7. Also,

    as the winch job is underway, and you need to disconnect the winch rope, (either finished job, or repositioning etc) this tool will help remove the winch rope connecting pin if its got fouled up with dirt, and sticking. :nut:

    Was tought that on the slab, and used it a few times,


    Hey reccymech 66, can you remember the name of the instructor down at borden, he was reccymech all his life, he retired a few years ago (told us some great stories) he was specialist in soil recognition, (ground condition etc) great guy, :D

    I was talking to a friend the other day and we just could'nt remember his name.

    I think, wilkinson or walker rings a bell, a top bloke, and great instructor.



  8. Thats good then, thats the best ones to use, i have a set to go in the stolly also.

    It can also be fuelling that causes problems like that hole!


    Sounds quite throaty on the tube, but i think a long drive in it would not be so good, they still sound good with there silencers on though. :D




  9. Looking lots better already, should be nice once painted and fitted up.


    What plugs was in it? Should be RSN13P i believe, but even with new the j60 still missed and popped, the unoficial mod we used to do was fit RSN12Y screened 24v ffr l.rover plugs, they ran sweet as anything, never any more problems.


    My friend over here has all the cvrt range, he has a really mint sabre, (will have to get some pictures) i will ask him if he knows anywhere within his contacts who has a sight!


    Keep up the good work.




  10. It wont stop the starting, but check your filler cap, they are prone for blocking of the vent, and causing vacuum in the tank, and the engine will runn poorly, usually on overrun or when you slow down for a junction etc.


    Also check your fuel return pipes, the plastic ones can crack and youll get leaks and problems


    But as said before, squirt some start pilot, or brake cleaner in the intake see if she fires up then.


    Good luck, let us know how you get on.




  11. i always look at the new one's, although there very cheap and tacky (im a big kid really) unless you go for a good name, i.e. Tamiya etc.


    but the one im trying to remember and find out its name and details was on the t.v in the 70's/80's


    I have seen some good ones on you tube, a guy on there has scratch built an aav, looks good




  12. whilst digging round for some photo's, i came accross these.


    this one (if memory serves me correct) is the fibua training village at stanta

    its on the confidence course, where you had to climb a cargo net, run accross the roof's, go through tunnels etc, and right at the end you had to sit on the window ledge and drop down onto this sand filled stolly.


    i first looked out the window, (out of shot in the picture) then just jumped through it onto the stolly, the instructor looked at me, i said "its a confidence course, im confident"

    he just shook his head and docked our team points

    i suppose its not the correct way to do it. :blush:



    stplly fibua.jpg

  13. well as promised, some photo's i finally dug them out.


    these were taken on different occasions when i was down there on courses.

    enjoy, i will keep them coming as i scan and upload.





    the land rover lama

    the amphibious rover (i believe now with phill at dunsfold, restored, and what a top job)

    and the agri rover.

    agri rover.jpg

    amphi rover.jpg


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