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Posts posted by griff66

  1. oh, deep bronze green when i repaint my ferret as it came off production line with i guess no other markings as these would have been applied at allocated regiment?


    we were taught only to approach a hot wheel from the front or rear never the side incase bolts holding wheel halves failed boeing 777 main wheel inflation pressure-118 p.s.i the 380 would have carbon fiber brake pack. on a aircraft wheel there are pressure relief plugs that will melt and release pressure if excessive
  3. early 9o,s i was working in the falklands as a civvy and got to go out to onion range with the army and had a go firing a mortar ! we got to actually drop it into the tube also fired a 9mm browning pistol , sa80 remember that seemed to fall apart in my hands! sniper rifle , fired a gpmg that just jammed all the time , and got to throw a grenade ! throw the grenade not the pin! cant imagine any civillian would be that lucky these days !

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