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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. The current username is "Redsquash-uk" with a user rating of 574 at 100%! I guess you can fake or hack anything these days.

    So far I can see the AEC Militant, Series 3 Lightweight, Willy MB and a replica Willys. They are using stock picture from 'Google Images'. 

    I think we should all try and have some fun with the scammer and bombard them with useless questions! 

    "Does it come in blue?"

    "What make is the AEC Militant?"

    "I can come and pay in cash now, is that okay?"



  2. I do keep seeing this. There are also many other vehicles appearing and being cancelled by a similar seller. It always states "GB, UK" as a location. I have reported around 10 of these myself as it would be all to easy for the unfamiliar on eBay to get caught out.  I wonder what they will reply? 



  3. It is close to the 'last call!' for bookings.

    We are still happy to accept anything related to the Home Front period (1939-1945).

    Also, we are always happy to book in Living History or Re-enactment groups or individuals. 

    Vehicles both civilian and military, tractors, engines, or steam! 

    Drop me a line via HMVF or the contact details above.


    See you all on the 16th and 17th of June! 


  4. I have been following this thread with great enthusiasm. Your skill in fabrication and engineering is inspiring.  You certainly should try the 'YouTube' route, I am sure many companies would sponsor your work and want to be associated. I have seen various channels grow and become sponsored from the likes of Land Rover parts dealers, to the tool manufactures themselves providing tools for a quick 'plug' of their goods; it may cut your costs and become very beneficial.

    I cannot wait to see the finished product, and hopefully someday at a show! 

    Keep up the great work.



  5. Hi all, 


    I seem to have a rather substantial radiator leak from the CCKW, which is right in the centre of the radiator core. Does anyone have any recommendations for a local (Sussex) company who could rebuild this unit. I see a few local firms, but I like to work on recommendations and reputation, especially with an older unit.


    Thanks in advance




  6. Hi everyone, 

    Michelham Priory is a beautiful location with a 13th century priory house, moat, ornamental gardens and a fortified gatehouse. This site was used extensively in WW2 by the British, Canadian and Home Guard units and is the perfect location for this intimate and friendly Vehicle and Living History show.  This is an Allied Home Front show, with dancing and music in the timber framed barn. Small stalls with related displays and interactive elements. A home front bedroom in the Priory. Home Front cooking, and more. 


    We welcome bookings from Military, Civilian and Commercial vehicles built before 1946.

    Reenactors and living history displays and individuals.

    Period camping is available on site for the duration.


    Contact myself on 07914 190 788

    or email Sussexpillbox@gmail.com

    June 16-17th 2018. 



    I hope to see you all there






    2017-06-16 20.16.23.jpg

    2017-06-16 20.22.40.jpg

  7. Jemima, that was my school of thought too. It is just to keep the public out, and add a little bit of security. I am worried to leave the vehicle if I stop in a town, as currently you can just get in, turn a switch, and start and drive. I have now fitted a new immobiliser and key. So the next step is a basic door lock. Thankfully it lives in a locked workshop, so this is only really for when I am out and about.

    I notice you are in West Sussex. Do you fancy coming to Michelham Priory WW2 weekend on the 16-17th June weekend? Great little show I run near Polegate.

  8. Hi all,

    Just wondered if any advice could be offered as to how to add locks to a GMC CCKW hard-cab door?

    I have seen that c.1930-40's trucks had a similar handle with an integrated lock and barrel, but can these be added to a CCKW? I also would like to know if they are available anywhere and ideally not at the price I have seen in the USA, which is quite shocking at $250 for a single handle. 


    Pictures of any hard-cab locks or ideas would be appreciated


    Many thanks



  9. Hi Paul.

    I would certainly visit. 

    It was nice to meet you a few weeks back, and I am glad I made the connection between HMVF and yourself while conducting the building survey on your site.

    I'm sure people here can help for sure.

    And if you fancy placing a few stamps on the Saracen hull you have and posting it, I would make sure I am in to sign for it! haha






  10. Hi  all.


    I am looking desperately for a book for some research into family history. My Grandfather served with the 82nd Light Anti-aircraft/Ant-tank regiment in Burma (The Black Cats).

    There was a publication by Ray Goodacre, privately published in 2002, Surrey. 

    With the Fighting Cock and the Black Cat in India and Burma - A History of 82nd Anti-Tank Regiment (and 82nd Light Anti-Aircraft / Anti-Tank Regiment) Royal Artillery, 1941-1945

    I would love to locate this, or at least get to copy it for my private use. Does anyone have this in their library, or better still know the author?


    Any leads would be gratefully received.





  11. Thank you Goran.


    Having just looked at the Worthing Canvas website I see they offer new seat canvas for a closed cab for £70. Considering it would cost around £35 for the canvas paint I would say replacement is the better avenue indeed!






  12. Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if someone could offer advice about the application and use of canvas paint. I would like to paint the GMC CCKW seat covers, as they are very faded and look quite tired, so was wondering if this has been done before? Obviously, I do not want something to rub off on my clothes or to turn the seats very solid in texture, so any advice would be appreciated.





  13. Hi Nic,


    You actually have my old Pig. It's nice to see that it is still being cared for. I bought it around 2002 from John Newton in West Sussex. He had it in storage since it was cast from service. I owned it until around 2010.


    You will find it was indeed used in the UK and never saw use in NI. It was at Lydd as a training vehicle. You will also find if you look at the wheel arches on the inside that there area weld/cut marks. I was told by a very good source (Clive Elliott) that this was a first attempt at a new seating confederation in the rear that was not adapted. It was originally in Olive Drag and not Deep Bronze Green, that was my doing as it was more user friendly. I have quite a few pictures of it when I purchased it if you are interested. 


    Also an interesting thing - the offside light guard was actually from a chip fryer! Shows some in service modifications. I may still have it, although I replaced it with the current correct one.

    Where about's is the Pig in the UK now? It lived in Sussex for most of its retirement. 


    Great to see it at shows still!

  14. Hi Ruxy


    I did try that route, but I cannot find much about the contact number or a reference point, as the Civilian models don't cover salisbur axles. I am guessing as it is an early model it should be RTC5572 & RTC5573


    But, knowing my luck I will end up ordering loads of the wrong parts, which I like to avoid if I can

  15. Hi

    Can I ask for some help?


    I have a Land Rover 110 1989 GS which has salisbury axles all round.

    I need to get the part number for the front disc calipers, but I cannot make much sense of the civilian codes.


    Is there a 110 GS military parts catalogue, or could anybody advise the right part number..


    Oh, it's solid discs and drums on the rear





  16. The confusion will get more complex from here on I guess...


    It would be ultimately taking a DVLA registered British vehicle to Germany, so would have to be re-registered there after 6 months.

    Do they operate the same Historic categories and exemptions for a GMC CCKW 1944?

    Or would I need a C class licence?


    Thanks again



  17. Does anyone have information about M7 & M14 trailers, Or one is Sussex I could look around and measure?


    Also, does anybody have one for sale or an idea of how much these go for nowadays?


    I would love one for my GMC CCKW and to build an M14 trailer from as a show camping unit.


    Do they have just standard overrun brakes, or do these require GMC CCKW modification somehow?


    Any pictures you have would be gratefully received


    many thanks



  18. It was great to be back at the Hop Farm, but there are drastic improvements needed; as stated above.


    The atmosphere was good, and some great stuff was happening, I can't fault that at all! Even the Russians driving around singing from there small truck constantly was a reminded or the Beltring of the past!


    Toilets - Well, bloody awful. The nearest toilet to where I was in Monktons field was around a 10 minute walk. The block had shocking toilet units which were just a portal to hell - I do not wish to witness the last 50 people who have been in there! And toilet paper and hand sanitiser aren't hard to keep topped up. Come on War and Peace Revival! sort your drills out.


    Driving - While War and Peace has always had a few issues, this time our site was plagued by teenagers in their parents vehicles trying their best to slide a Jeep all evening on the roadway! I did tell them what I thought of that as they passed me and nearly hit the toilet block; to no avail. Added to this there were children as young as 3-7 years old in a mini Jeep driving around the roads being passed by full scale vehicles including armour. I don't need to say much more on that subject really - shocking.


    Camping - It really did look like the camping and caravan club in most areas. It was so nice to see so many Fiats, Fords, a Mustang, and mobile homes of all makes and sizes, tents of all colours and shapes... It makes it feel worthwhile we brought a Military vehicle, military tents, camouflage nets and a display! Maybe next time I will bring my Ford Focus and a large tent from Halfords, as that seems to be the most popular display this year by many. I have no idea why this year this was allowed to happen.


    Marshals - The girl who saw my GMC off site was very friendly and helpful. Other than that I saw one person on a quad and someone shopping on the stalls. Where have the staff gone? Is WP show now a free for all until an accident or fatality happen and the show is banned?


    Stalls - Seemed to be less there this year. All very expensive, but maybe I am getting older now and remember the costs of things from yesteryear?


    Good points - Nice atmosphere, generally. Great to see old friends and some new. Great venue.


    War and Peace Revival - Listen to us! We need better amenities, more staff and security, rules that are abided to, and a MILITARY vehicle show.. not a camping and caravan club meeting! If you demand that, keep it in one area.

    We are paying for the show, so sprinkle our cash about a bit more! Maybe look at the WP books from 2000-2005 and see what was spent on loos and showers, staff and security.


    Oh! and closing Saturday night is a daft idea! As most will leave midday Saturday and the show will look bare for the general public when they arrive on the most popular day.

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