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paul connor

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Posts posted by paul connor

  1. I expect many of you have fitted battery isolator switches to your vehicles.

    A simple and effective item for safety as well as security, but my question is this -


    Which battery terminal are you isolating? Positive or Negative?


    There seems to be an abundance of conflicts on various forums and groups and I'm unsure which one to do?

    My mind says Positive, but there seems many who chose Negative?

  2. DSC_0987.jpg


    Interior rear seats and the rare cushions fitted.

    Golight gets its dome protective cover. Although not strictly correct for a Snatch 1.5 as they only appear on Snatch 2. But, artistic licence and it's great fun in the dark!! as it's remote controlled.


    Engine looking as it should do. Nice and clean and running well.


    Last shot is the smug Snatch looking pleased with itself after passing an MOT.

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    New interior parts start to be fitted after it was stripped and painted. The amount of sand in these vehicles is unbelievable!

    The interior racking behind the front crew isn't correct for a Snatch 1.5 which had solid racking. This racking is from a Snatch 2 which had a door system built into the rack. I prefer the idea of being able to enter the rear without leaving the vehicle and not being locked out if something fails!











  4. As soon as the vehicle arrived home I set about finding it a proper storage area. As you can tell this was an eBay last minute purchase without thinking through the logistics and storage issues! Seems I will never change with my spontaneity.




    Not all in the correct order.


    I started by stripping and checking the whole chassis, which surprisingly was good condition bar the crossmember.

    That was stripped to bare and primed and painted.

    All bushes were replaced with Polyurethene bushes by SuperPro. I recommend these to anyone. 3 year guarantee!

    All springs and shocks were removed and new units fitted.

    Brakes totally overhauled. New lines as well as hose and discs/pads.

    New steering swivels as the old ones were pitted. New bearings and pins.















  5. It's been a long journey, but it's nearly there....well, the restoration side of things not the ownership.


    I bought the old girl/boy (unsure yet what it is) back in July 2013 on whim.

    I had said to myself that I would not return to the MV scene as I had experienced some less than nice people, which had changed my mind on the whole movement. Thankfully I can say the company I now keep if far superior and my faith has been restored in the movement. Anyhow, I had seen one of these lumbering old machines and I wanted one.

    Green machines never leave you, it's always there and you'll not change that even if you want to!


    Here are a few pictures of the ongoing restoration and how the vehicle currently sit. Awaiting DVLA documents.


    First two pictures are copied from Sirhc's webpage from his visit. I hope he doesn't mind. He saw my future vehicle at WithamsIMAG1699.jpg

    Unfortunately the previous owner had sold all of the hard to find parts before I got my hands on it. Bas***D!




  6. Cheers guys,


    Sorry for the late reply. I did read the posts and was off on a tangent looking for the books for my Xmas list! Hopefully Santa will bring them, I have been good this year... mostly.


    Do any of you know the dimensions of the open cab with all the canvas removed. I'd like to know it'd fit inside the workshop for future reference, as indoor storage is always far better.


    hopefully I shall be looking late next year for a vehicle, so I expect I shall be back for more advice!


    Many thanks everyone.



    Merry Xmas



  7. In the past when driving a Brighton bus I have tried to stop for the silence.

    You'd be surprised the attitude of people in that City. You get sworn at, people constantly asking "why are we stopped, why won't you answer me?" All complaining about being late and being totally disrespectful.

    Once I was bus stop about to pull away opposite the war memorial at the old Steine, where there was a huge gathering of veterans and public, the silence started and the bugal sounded, I promptly turned the engine off. All I had for three minutes was some halfwit banging on the door swearing at me for not opening them and calling me everything he could as he got irate.


    Needless to say, after observing the silence I drove on and left him standing there like the ignorant fool he was.

  8. I have sent an Email to IMPS as well, as they seem to meet a few miles from here.

    I would love to attend the Arundel meetings, but driving from here in an ol'110 does take longer and the navigation of Worthing is always choke-point and traffic nightmare.

    I shall have to check Rusper on the map, as that may be more logical.


    Cheers for the feedback guys. I haven't seen much "new blood" with vehicles for a while, although all the fellow Snatch Land Rover owners I know seem much younger, which is a good thing.


    Wish I felt like young blood! I'm on the wrong side of 30 now!



  9. For the first time in around 10 years I have joined the MVT. I was a member back in 2000ish and was surprised there was no East Sussex group, nor were there many groups I could find in East Sussex at all.


    Am I missed something as there must be more of a movement in East Sussex without having to travel to West Sussex or Kent?


    I only moan a little as I drive an MV as my car and it's quite a trip for a club meet to get from Uckfield to Chichester for the MVT club meetings.


    Hopefully I have missed a group or someone will be enlighten me to the fantastic hidden clubs in my area.


    Many thanks



  10. Hi Everyone,


    I've come to the conclusion that my next MV will most probably be a 353. I have always wanted something of WW2 vintage and now I have storage and a workshop that will cope it seems like a good idea.


    My question is to 353 owners - What are they like to own and service? Are parts available?


    Also is there any good publications to read to 'get ahead' before I'm in the position to buy?


    Thanks in advance guys



  11. Adrian Flux seem very helpful and have saved money!


    It would seem they will insure a vehicle that is unregistered on a VIN for 60 days before you need to give them a call, or you can do for a year is you like as a policy, so happy there!


    Footman James quoted me £148.50, which has been slowly creeping higher each year.

    Adrian Flux have quoted me £110. Which has something FJ do not add - A No claims discount! And I can drive other vehicles 3rd party, so quite happy. Also unlimited mileage and the same excess.

    The Snatch was the same price, but suspect I can haggle next year.


    Quite chuffed that they could help and have actually saved me money! If I has known 12 years ago I would have been with them and had 12 years NCD!

  12. Adrian Flux can insure on the Chassis No. so it seems. I'm just waiting for their quote to be phoned back to me.

    I am a touch worried as they seemed to be obsessed with a 'no Claims discount', yet my FJames policy doesn't operate with a NCD, so for the last 12 years I have no NCD! as I use my MV for a car.


    Fingers crossed they'll not quote me as if I'm 18 and insuring a Dodge Viper!

  13. I currently and have been for many years, insured with Footman James.

    They seem to have been OK, other than the premium creeping up each year. ( Currenty £150 for my 1990 110, fully comp, unlimted milage). I'm having mixed feelings about insuring with them again, mainy due to the rude woman I just had on the phone and due to being told different things on the last two calls.


    I would like to add my VPK Snatch onto the policy, although it's not registered (will be in next few months) I was told by many MV owners that you can insure on the Chassis number, but would have to renew this every month with a phone call.

    I was told the same on the first call to FJames, but told and very sternly informed just now that this is not possible until I have sent the documents off and I was talking nonsense


    There must be many a MV owner here that has the same problem?


    Who do you recommend?

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