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Everything posted by thor698

  1. hi younggun she is very tidy what does she go like with the meadows diesal in. I went in a 20 ton constructor with a meadows diesal in last year. 28 on the floor but very quiet in cab nearly sold thor to get it. But dident have heart to let her go.:-\
  2. cheers will try and get tin this week:cool2:if the snow ever stops and the idiots move there cars from the end off the road so i can get out in the morning:nono::nono:or i will move them for them:argh::argh:
  3. The lady wife is bugging me about war and peace ?:nono: What can you guys tell me about the show - charges, any good for small children, camping, stalls etc. Any views really Also I heard a rumour that is moving venue next year - is this true and if so do any of you know where :???
  4. Hi here are a few pics of Thor with the roof off - as you can see she is in a pretty bad way :-( Need to do a few more panels as am now this far in Has anyone toyed with a rag top explorer - could be a first for the rally field:rofl: Daz - your telegraph pole idea worked a treat - thanks :cool2:
  5. Here are a few pics of the roof off of Thor - as you can see she is not so good:shocked: Got a do a few more panels around the bottom of the cab. Thanks Daz for the telegraph pole idea - worked a treat :cool2:
  6. the junglevine is good up on this hill and i can see what you are all doing from up her.:cool2::cool2: so just wonderd if you could do the panels in front off the doors and behind. will cut panels got to get tin this week:iloveyou:
  7. i saw him today he was putting sump on:-Dwell sat in his 4x4 with the heater on:rofl::rofl:
  8. a blue sheet took roof off truck:-(you can have the rust if you wont:(
  9. hi gps i heard that you can fold tin small enough for the bottom front cab panel. took my roof off this weekend not good:cry: got to do headboard and the four bottom panels:cry::cry::cry::cry:. so just wonderd if you could fold some panels for me.:cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2:
  10. If you have ever wondered what a martian convertable would look like here are the photos:rofl: This is Doughty bobs fire damaged martian minus the roof - the heat has done a pretty good job on it. Does the convertable martian look better:??? Not with our summers it doesn't !! Bob would need a wet suit :rofl: More pics of bobs restoration as I get them:)
  11. church roofs will look funny with iron on:cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  12. will let you know going to do the roof first then look for door rubbers:)
  13. Will check this one out as well - thanks for that. I think dive suit would be better as there is that much water blowing in !! I should not complain as up to now the bodywork has held up really well-I don't want to do it as I enjoy the spanners much more than tin or woodwork, I have come to the conclusion if I rip the old roof off then I will have to put a new one on or have the first convertable scammell explorer on the rally field and with our summers that really isn't an option.
  14. Hi Daz - thanks for that - will give them a call on rubbers, the ones in there are in a bad way and the boy is picking holes in whats left of them which doesn't help. Will have to get roof off and then speak to GPS - he has had a go at a few telegraph poles in his time - he might have some laying around - oh I wish laughing smiley was working !!
  15. Hi - I have left a message on my thread but thought I should leave one direct too. I am interested in the plains event - where and when is it ? Thanks for your help !!

  16. Hi I am having to redo the cab as the rust worms have taken over and we are getting wet !! I am looking for some door rubbers - do any of you know a good supplier? I am also looking for advice on how to get the roof corners right - any suggestions and advice would be great? Thanks for your help!!
  17. Thanks for the suggestion - Bob is keen to get it back to as near original as he can - he is currently chasing up a couple of leads for parts. If these come to nothing I will suggest to him. Thanks for all your help its been great. If anyone hears of amything please let me know and I will pass it onto Bob.
  18. Hi limited on this I'm afraid Do not think they went into commercial use - they were parked in someones field near Dorking and left we think. One now belongs to my cousin (one on the right) and the other one was used for spares. When I see my cousin I will try and get some more history.
  19. There was 3 explorers, a pioneer and some ducks. The pioneer he used to show One explorer was mine - the clutch blew in 1974, they had also ripped the front out winching and when they borught the second explorer for recovery they gassed the back off because it had a big dozer blade as an anchor and put it on their new one, not sure where the second explorer went, the third one had a leyland 680 and now has a cummins L10 and is called lightening
  20. Hi - here they are again and this time Bob does not look like he is doing the truck up in Austraila :rofl: Thanks
  21. Sorry in my haste to get these some are at interesting angles or maybe Bob was P**sed when he took them !!! It has driven the poor man to drink !! I am sure you get the idea !!
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