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Posts posted by commander

  1. It was about 300 miles for me to get there and back (Stoke on Trent)

    but my mate John who came down from the Wirral (Liverpool) to pick

    me up Ohh the joys of youth (he's only in his 50's) I agree not so many

    there selling and buying but worth the trip to meet up with friends


  2. John Pearson wrote


    "why do people wear badges of rank they are not entitled to and worst of all, medals? No reason that I can see: does not increase authenticity"


    I think that they are trying to compliment their exhibit by being a private, captain

    or general in the scenario they have set as to medals being worn for valour and such like this is a big no no in general on the MVT scene unless of course they are potraying an actual individual or event in the actual historic sense I agree that to restore any vehicle then to portray it in jeans or kiss me quick hat is in my mind defeating the object of restoring the exhibit in the first place just my thoughts on the matter I am sure plenty will agree and that some will dissagree but there you are free speach and actions are still accepted in this country at the moment


  3. I do not know if many of you guys knew Dave/Bilko but sadly he passed

    away suddenly on the 14/12/09 being more into the reenacting scene he

    was a very good friend of mine and could be seen at Malvern and Stoneleigh

    on the stall we had here is a link to the tributes and notices if anyone wants

    to attend his final event in Stoke On Trent on the 30/12/2009




    Commander/ Chris Bond

  4. Well, to be honest, I was ripped by a dealer on a large item. Didnt realise at the time. It would have made a lot more in auction.


    It might have made more in an auction but you take your chance in a auction

    sometimes they go for peanuts and sometimes they do not sell at all at least

    you got your money there and then from the dealer and I'm sure he didn't twist

    your arm to sell it to him you must have been happy at the time with the price

    at the time just think everytime you buy a bargain someone else sells it below

    it's true value


  5. I think this needs clarifying a bit on my part

    1, We were contacted about some DUKWS for sale

    2, We were given the telephone number of the farmer

    3, We rang the farmer to ask if these were being offered

    4, We made an appointment to view

    5, We visited said site on day and time arranged

    6, We spoke to the farmer who told both of us they were for dissposal

    7, We were told that no one had been in touch for over 6yrs

    8, We viewed the vehicles and deceided they were to far gone

    9, We spoke to the farmer on leaving and informed the scrap man was coming

    finally I am sure a lot more people have visited this site after being told about them

    coming for sale in fact as we got there in our recovery vehicle 2 people in a van were coming down the drive having been up to view them we were looking to get at least one for spares for our DUKW and to see if there was any other amphib bits for the SEEP and Stalwart which we have I posted in good faith as I was led to believe these were for sale for there scrap value estimated at £600 each


  6. Actually Joris I was contacted about these DUKWS and asked to view them to see

    if I wanted to buy them I had contacted the owner of the land the vehicles were on

    and arranged to go over and meet him which we did and he directed us to the site where they are and for safariswing to ask me why I thought they were for sale and

    did I have permission I find that rather a personal question to ask on an open forum

    and if he was so interested in my personal buisness to have got in touch with me

    direct by a pm

    I see that someone has edited my posting and changed the wording of the forum topic

    from Re: 11 DUKWS for sale £600 each Shame Though

    to Re: 11 dukws ******NOT FOR SALE******



  7. The rearly sad part is the farmer is going to get the scrap man in this week with the torch and cut them up for scrap that is were the price of £600 each came from the

    estimated scrap value apparently the owner just left them there and never came back

    and the farmer wants shut of them


  8. We went to look at 11 DUKWS on Friday that we had been told about that were

    for sale at £600 each expecting it to turn out to be a wild goose chase of we went

    after finding the farm and being directed to where they were "WOW There Real"

    what a shock awaited us when we got into the field we were to late time had

    taken it's toll below is the sight that greeted us







  9. We will be there as usual selling over priced tat, well that is what most

    people say it is but the strange thing is they always come back next

    time and buy more "strange innit" usual place Hall 3 on the right just

    before you get to the Hall which that dodgy geezer sells his tents in lol

    Commander AKA C&D Militaria

  10. If this is the one along the bottom road by the Rhine or Waal river

    which the church is on going towards Arnhem from the Oosterbeek

    direction and you go to the owner of the garden which it is in there

    is a block house just behind it which you cannot see from the road


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