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Posts posted by john1950

  1. It is one way to get the Next generation interested in history and preservation. There is no perticular reason why war breakes out between Nations, but if we can understand why it has in the past maybe there will be less reasons for it to break out in the future. There is no definative answer. You can only try to prevent it, but fighting breakes out sometimes because some people like to fight and that is the curved ball, the unseen factor. For some people preserving vehicles and equipment is only a starting or stepping stone in there journey, a piece of the jigsaw a tool in their quest for knowledge. At least Bruce has added to the conversation for that at least I thank him.

  2. Firstly check out the specification of the petrol or diesel that you are going to use, then you can work out the worst elements that you want to combat and the mix to add. By and large any fuel addative will help in some way. Most fuels are a basis to work from and not the finished product. Addatives help to improve combustion and lubricate seals, keep jets and injectors clean also stop fuel from attacking supply lines or the fuel tank from the inside. Modern fuels with added Bio fuel have another problem to combat, algi growth during lay up.

  3. Unless you have the correct interceptor facilities the contence should not be washed out. Both the vapour and gell in the tank are Toxic, Hazardous to Health. A local garage with engine wash facilities may let you pressure wash the tank out as they have catch tanks necessary to collect the contence for disposal. It is illegal to flush the contence down the drain. You may have to take it to a profesional tank barrel cleaning company. There are at least two on Teeside. Wear protective clothing when handleing immediatly wash off any splashes. If you can catch all of the fluid, diesel is probably the easiest to work with to dilute the glopp. Then you can probably dispose of it at the local council waste oil collection point. I would not use household washing products in a fuel tank as they contain salt and other chemicals that can calcify and cause you problems with the rest of the fuel system. If you need a hand I do not live that far away and would be happy to help.

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