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Posts posted by fv1609

  1. Just a quick thought, would it be better if it was to start around 10:00 am? Just thinking that it would give people who live a fair way away time to get there and not to miss the bargins :-




    (I seem to have got myself caught up in the quote), but some sellers, like myself, arrive 0900 or later. Sometimes I have found bargain hunters that come too early get bored & go then miss what turns up later :roll:



  2. Jagshemash


    I have been visit Grate Dorset Steem Fair to see many nice things & my good friends cliv & ricjard. Is very nice time here see many men pulling their machines. I hear many the phut of machines & the blue phone boxes, sound like my goat. But I see no woman ploughing is not seem right, is this now political correctiveness hit the U&K?


    I see many nice sights on the stages & nice unders of many colours but some have plump to there legs. Are they really wearing black swimming costumes under everything? Even I see one man with a funny face from old black & white ministerial show, I think he has been down the cole mine, yes? Is not right man should have to this when there are women to doos this some with plump of their legs, so must be strong grip. There was a farmer who singh he is “Norfolk and good”, everyone laugh but is not funny to my senses of humours.


    Is be ware of eat old warm food as give runny the next day & not normal firm to squeeze. But not all stalls speak with proper english. One man who try sell many tool, only sell the tool in french if you ask of him for a thing he say in bad english you must him in french or just give him the money & thing you want buy.


    When I go to creamy stall, I ask “How many monies I must give you for a wafffle with arpricoat source?” She just give me retard look, so may bee she think I am a man of no substances. This mean I have not been able to wafffle myself for many days, so please excuse. I walk with a heavy satchell. No is not what you think. I have a canavas of the satchell which belong of cliv. I fill up with many useless autobumble things for him as he too old or lazy for to carry many heavy things.


    I nearly like to buy some tie & ornamental food but look to much like the thing my wive cook me when she is not speaking me.


    I am write this on cliv laptop in the rain as nothing else to do. When it rain there are no dog to shoot or go goat chasing, they have funny smell when get wet. Is a bit like my suit which I have not wash since I won it in the national lottery.


    But I think the sun & cider get to cliv, he doo very silly thing. I promise I not tell anyone, but he got his blue bottles mixed up. He empty his potty in the bin, (why he not dooes it in the field like the cows & dogs I don’t know). But when he bring it back he want to put the blue insecticide in (that smell of blueberries) but he pick up the wrong bottle.


    Here are his bottles, he mean to use the bottle on the left.




    But he use the bottle on the right to pour in his potty! He very angry & told me not to tell anyone. I think he may bee lose some marbles from his satchel? But he get even more angry when when I say he pour oil over troubled waters!


    And he even didn’t win a prize for vehicle that look most like its owner. I even try to fix it with judge & offer him some pharmacy products, but some have the applicators missing, so judge not interested in deal.


    I go quickly in case the cliv come.


    Good bye bye. Chenque

  3. Ah well it rained on Saturday & he insisted on climbing in the cypher trailer with me & I couldn't get rid of him. That draylon suit I don't think has ever been washed & when it is damp smell a bit like a sheep.


    He hogged my laptop & put down some of the usual nonsense then he said he wanted to find the stage with the laptop dancers.


    Unfortunately there was an incident with some chemicals for the toilet getting mixed up & the the old trouble maker has taken some pictures which I think will get shared later :oops:



  4. Come on chaps you're flagging, only halfway there! What military item do these cufflinks represent & why would anyone want to perpetuate them in cufflinks? There were 6 pairs made by an Instrument Artificer in the workshop on the back of a RL in NI.


    Here is a life sized one:


  5. Lloyd, yes well done, cuff links :-D


    Richard used the word "link" & VAOS Section C is for clothing etc. Did you deduce it from those clues or from the appearance? But well done anyway.


    Now the question is what military item do these cufflinks represent & why would anyone want to perpetuate them in cufflinks? There were 6 pairs made by an Instrument Artificer in the workshop on the back of a RL in NI.

  6. Are these a security item Clive ??



    Security item, yes I can see the line of thought Jerry but no. The VAOS (Vocabulary of Army Ordnance Stores) Section C is a clue = Catalogue of Clothing & Necessaries.


    Richard said "Something to do with machine guns, that could make the link with automotive as MG's could be mounted on vehicles." The answer is two words one of them is Richards quote. :?

  7. Jack, yes I see what you mean, good suggestion but no.

    Richard, remember what C is in VAOS? Curiously one word in your answer is half of the correct answer.


    They were made in the early 1970s in a workshop in the back of a Bedford RL in Northern Ireland.



  8. Richard


    Yes the bus is still around it was a Yeovil Festival of Transport a few weeks ago. Well if you can remember Popham (& Southsea it happened once) then the thursday of GDSF last year was a wipe out. The tent was something that I had meant to snap for an article but somehow afterwards I couldn't face going near the place.


    I see all my photobucket links have come back they have been down today. I am going to post a mystery object you might enjoy.

  9. I take it you want to make an IWS I don't have the dimensions but have a few more diagrams & pics than in the latest article. It was the UK version of of the US, Night Vision Sight, Individual Served Weapon, AN/PVS-2( )


    Length 17.5 in

    Height 7.75 in

    weight 6 lb

    Width 3.5 in


    So presumably you have sorted out the pig electrical problems? 8-)

  10. GDSF or Stourpaine as it still gets called. So who's going? I shall be there in Hornet missile launcher & living in the cypher office. I have vowed to avoid the cider tent this year, which I recall (I think) was a Tent, Marquee, Universal, GS, Single, JA2071 the effects of a visit there wiped out the following day :roll:

  11. Jagshemash


    I am very proud I buy a gas cooker for my wive, so now we have nice food & soup, I am hope!. But she all ways want me to decorate the kitchen & change the newspaper on the wall. But I have been caught before, I make her nice kitchen but food taste the same. I buy her new bed but is the same as before, yes?


    Any way I put here the instructions here as not all the people who buy the cooker have all the bits to make it work but if you have no instruction is useless . I send my apologgies as the English writ is not too good for even me understand, but was made in our national factory where the they make the popular tractor model ak47 & is insecticide plant some days & other day for vodcka but is not big diffrence except insecticide is cost of more money.


    This is the early Premium model which is ok for my wives cooking, is more luxurious may be the Clubman model or even the Senator model when I have all the coupons.




    Hear is instruction manuel:


    “Install the soup holder smoothly in the nice place but feel with the fingers the protruberance is fit the hole is made for correctly. Allow the gas in the hole lest the protruberance is not fitted as can lead to the gas walk out & make a danger for the operator & the soup is disgraced.


    Pust the gas holdering is proudly fixed for the design place. Shut it as is stated then strike the knob with firmness of purpose to make introduction of the gas which is pure. Do this when will make clucking sound not be alarmed as is good sign of the reassuring is correct.


    If you turn your feature knob to the left will increase the heat but not uncareful lest you burn the soup. If you your knob to the right is with a smiler flame & will cool the soup. But if you reverse your feature knob around the place for the soup frame will be a cause to soup not heat fully. Beware as no to leave the feature knob left out as danger of damages & no longer is use the automation of light & will make a void of the extended warranty.


    All ways must use the soup catcher as increase the risk of drying from flys.


    Do not not use other purpose whilst you are making the cooker use lest for danger cause an accident or worse & even death or injurys & spoil of the soup.


    If soup flow too much into the burner wipe it with a day towel but if not easily then first it wash with laundry soap will bring a success.


    If an accident or death occur calm yourself & with purpose turn off the feature knob with no delay. Try to save the soup by placing it nice place away from the damage & far from the kitchen animals. With calm & smoothnes remove out the protruberance that make an engagement that is matched with the correct hole that is designed to accept on first assembly. Make not with delay but calm & dispose of the can in a rightful manner not conterary with the directions of use for lest further damage or soup spill.


    But be warned when outdoor for use choose the shady place where the sunbeam do not reach up directly & always keep of mind that the soup catcher is below part of the range from the soiler sand.


    Is always important for piece of mind that the special design of the soup catcher is in honorable place so that the ingnition of the turn from the feature knob is not prevent the mooven of the holder is lest installed upside down.


    Do not dispers of in your neigbour private place, but can be thrown in village river with weekly discard if packed with goat shavings.


    Do not use to warm applicator as dangerous of fire.


    Do not disrespect is precious engine & give long life for best admiration to your family for many of years.


    Do not use in the place that has wind.


    Do not use in the damp place.


    Do not of use for warming the fingers & the other places.


    Do not dry the hairs or make own gases lest for fear of explosion & sore.


    Do not close to the trouser.


    Do not for goat de-icing or when driving


    Do not the handle or use to sit when is hot.


    When is broken do not eat as contain cadnium. Not withstanding plastic is sometime satisfactory to eat if small portions are manufactured.


    Instruction of use & care may be change without the notice in order to maintain best care & long life of well made application. Beware that unauthorised uses for warming cold places is not to be tolerated by the manufacturer & will vigorously pursue throught the international courts uses for not designed like dog roasting & gratification.


    But be not alarmed if proper used give you many hours of pleasure for the family & carefully hot soup.”


    You not belief me the bad language? Cliv think I make it up, so to proof him wrong again here is version for the Clubman cooker for you to see:




    Good bye bye. Chenque

  12. Paul


    The FVDD requirement from 1948 for AFVs was red oxide primer,

    width=288 height=311http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Pigred01-1.jpg[/img]

    Dark Admiralty Grey undercoat, then 2 coats of High Gloss Deep Bronze Green. Given the theatre/era of your vehicle it would then have ben painted NATO green all over.


    I am trying to save you money/time here. But when you see a pig that has not been restored, its paintwork is appalling & looks as if it has a sort of NATO green dematitis. width=432 height=288http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/pigside-1.jpg[/img]

    Given that the vehicles were regularly pelted with coloured paint from the crowds, there was a constant overpainting with NATO green sometimes in a hurried manner by hand. So don't make it look to pretty!

  13. I take it there should be a switch in the feed to the relay winding.


    I would have thought so, but it seems to vary with installations. Reference is made to "switch on or engage plug into socket"


    I agree with you that without a switch for the relay coil there is going to be a heavy current as you make & break the plug union.

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