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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Is this any help, think about the cuff links.
  2. 76mm or if you want it in UNF it's 3 imperial inches or 2.7 US inches :lol:
  3. Splendide cette est une voiture petite domestique pour les jeune filles n'est ce pas? Je n'aime pas les voiture domestique, j'aime les voiture militaire, j'aime beaucoup la voiture appelle la humbre une-tonne. Elle fait pour hommes vraix avec le grand satchel. Elle est tres splendide voiture, oui est vraix cette voiture est feminine, est pourquoi j'aime comment vous parlez? "yes nice time". Bardic is a 3-colour torch original used on the railways http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bardic-Handlamp_W0QQitemZ290028455742QQihZ019QQcategoryZ4128QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem But the army had a similar version (green) They used to be made near here at Eastleigh.
  4. Army Book No. 562 Vehicle Record Book comprising: Binder Envelope Sect.1 Particulars of vehicle Sect.2 Mileage, Servicing, Check & Inspection Record Sect.3 Record of Technical inspections Sect.4 Authorised Modification F/MT/3 Traffic Accident Report F/MT/3A Traffic Accident Report on Disciplinary Action MOD Drivers Permit FMT600 & FT600A MT Drivers Handbook JSP 351 Standing Orders for Drivers of Mechanical Vehicles (Wheeled) & Motor Cyclists (Army Code No. 12551) Civil driving licence Service identity card or civilian pass Highway Code HMSO Breakdown/recovery instructions Toll Warrants F/Mov 269
  5. Good idea, but no. It is 2.0cm across 82 actually. That was a minimum, I think there were some sitting on top of each other. Where were the spiders then? Well one fell out of the paper towel dispenser, but it too had died.
  6. What an earth is a megan estate? Well it is almost a flat pack self assembly. The main frame comes up to hand height. To complete it you need a mirror cut to size, 3 furniture wheels & a Bardic torch.
  7. ummh no. does the view from the other end help Can someone have a guess at the number of dead flies in the light diffuser?
  8. Mmh sort of on the right lines, but no. Another quiz! Spent until midnight in A&E as I gazed up from the bed, I started counting the dead flies in the flourescent light above me. Anyone have a guess at how many I counted? (Given that hospitals are cleaner now than they used to be)
  9. Neil, not being patronising but that is a very good answer. I see exactly what you mean, but no. It is military. It looks a bit intergalactic, but that is the effect of sitting it on the scanner. So that has given a very rough idea of weight/size.
  10. This is a rear view with it tilted to show the base. The other side has the large glass mirror. The wing nuts hold clamps to keep the mirror in place. Still trying to find the overall view, do also have negs somewhere. So when Paul are you going to pick it up?
  11. It would have been too obvious seen this way: Lee was the first one there, yes it is/was a wheeled security mirror. Richard was there with the detail. The base had a glass mirror (as opposed to polished metal versions). The base & frame articulated against the base frame that had 3 wheels. The bracket halfway up the frame had tapped hole for retaining bolts that allowed the Bardic 3-colour lantern to be screwed in place to illuminate the mirror. I have a close up picture of one in use in NI, but blessed if I can find it. Anyway Lee, when are you going to collect this thing & restore it?
  12. No but would look good with your vehicle.
  13. This bit fits into that bit and this bit which is halfway up the frame holds something (these holes are tapped)
  14. Thin & flat but also very smooth. Seat? fraid not.
  15. Jack a way to get people interested in your vehicle is to lift up the bonnet & scatter tools & spare parts around & look pretty peed off trying to fix it. That will draw people in their droves. Below is after the gawpers had dispersed watching the problem of fitting a very heavy dynamo to the pig at Yeovil. People are absolutely fascinated that something is going on & especially something going wrong, often asking: "having trouble mate?" - well yes "I bet you're annoyed" - well yes http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Dscf2203.jpg[/img] But if you have a genuine problem & want fewer gawpers, then form a blockade of tools etc so that they cannot see the area you are working on, once that is denied them then interest is lost. BTW thanks to Kevin for his help on that occasion, but there's no point in saying that as you aren't on HMVF are you :wink: Yes Neil I am parked next to one of those things. Jack you are right about people identifying with a vehicle. When I am with the Hornet, whether I am next to a Jeep, Land Rover or whatever there will be more interst shown in my neighbours than the Hornet with its missile stuck in the air. The reason for this is that most ex-soldiers have never seen one & dismiss it as fantasy as it was used only by an elite & hardly known about unit (Para Sqn RAC). People can identify with the more widely known vehicles as they drove one, know someone who drove one or they would like to drive one etc. When I do get asked questions it is not about the miussiles but endless silly questions about the smoke dischargers.
  16. Ummh no & no. I've just taken some more pics, but I'll let it run a bit to see if anyone gets it.
  17. No, afraid not Neil but at least you had a go.
  18. fv1609


    Ah is nice, my mama often tell me I am not ambitious enough. i was only thinking of president of just one country. so may bee i rule the world like harry secombe & you be my cofey anne-anne. then we could have a helichopter to take us early to dallas & buy all the bits even before the traders come
  19. Come on chaps! Are you being slow because you don't actually want to win it? Here are some clues. The main frame is upside down. The nobbly bit in the middle of the cross fits into the lower part of the middle bit of the 3 pronged bit on the ground. Like me, it is only about 35 years old :roll:
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