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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Nope (& serves you right for peeping!)
  2. Ah you need to carry a starting handle. Done it on the pig & hornet a few times, not too difficult but you need to move your hands quickly when it fires. But yes I agree, check earth & supply leads. But it may only be the brushes on the starter motor worn down.
  3. The officially stated reasons for the British Army to paint vehicles was: Preservation Camouflage Morale It is true than in WW2 all sorts of matt paints were used. But that was only a short term expedient. During postwar rearmament of the 1950s there were terrible problems with paint systems which taxed the ingenuity of the Inspectorate of Fighting Vehicles & the Chemical Inspectorate. There was a shortage of raw materiels to make the paint & a lack of appreciation of the way systems of paint were to function ie primer, undercoat, top coats. The expectation was to have a vehicle paintwork last 3-4 years, gloss topcoat was the best way to achieve this. But even the commercial motor industry was having problems with their paints. I touched on these difficulties on pages 3 & 4 in this: http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/PAINTINGpart1.pdf
  4. Yes well done! It rather surprised me when I first found it. Can anyone guess a likely date? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/graves.jpg[/img]
  5. Nope. I better give a clue, the vowels are correct & in the right place.
  6. Oh I bet you say that to all the boys! I am being very fussy here, no room for sloppiness in my Humber (yes FV1600 series) detachment. But you said Clive this looks suspiciously, like a gaiter arrangement to fit around the gearstick/four wheel drive level on our pig's. I agree but it was not fitted on our pigs.
  7. Shouldn't think that's likely, doesn't work like that with health, defence etc
  8. But I didn't say it's not off a pig. Read Jerry's answer carefully ;-)
  9. Nope. But you are two fifths the way there as: Two of the letters are correct These two letters are in the correct place One of the incorrect letters is next in the alphabet to a correct letter. Now who's good at crosswords?
  10. Yes I can see this one is getting to you Tony, but I am sure dogged determination will succeed! Well it's none of those. The word used is 5 letters & is not an abbreviation.
  11. Yes pretty good, two of them are correct. The last one is quite difficult.
  12. Good try, but they are none of those. I excluded two from the list at the outset otherwise it would have made it too obvious what they were all about. Anyway here are all five markers used.
  13. With F&M outbreaks, what always alarms me is that when you see a vehicle crossing a restricted zone is that the wheels get sprayed limply with a magical disinfectant. I doubt if it penetrates into mud in the treads & you never see the inside wall of the wheel getting sprayed! As we live on a small holding we get automatic messages from DEFRA about animal movement prohibitions. Fair enough. BUT what do they do? Load the dead cows in a large truck that you can often see is leaking & transport the cows for incineration to another part of the country, out of the public eye :dunno: I quote the last two words spoken in The Bridge on the River Kwai "Madness, madness"
  14. Yes but do you know what each marker signifies?
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