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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Yes well done Richard I knew I could rely on you :yay: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/App0606.jpg[/img] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/App0611.jpg[/img] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/SaracenSquareTurret.jpg[/img]
  2. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/App0606a.jpg[/img]
  3. Sneaky yes, evil not. Imagine the satisfaction of someone who had twigged that the markings were bogus (& I did hint the clue that might give it all away are the vehicle markings), they would have then thought perhaps more of it was bogus, especially as the missiles looks like no known type. Another sneaky one was the RN markings being changed around, but you spotted that getting virtually all of them. I'm sure you felt rightly chuffed that you had foiled the sneaky stuff. I like to think that the participants are like officers of MI 10 presented with a photo. Scrutinising everything, assuming nothing, & teasing out facts & info from the irrelevant. Did your friend get to meet Sir Les? A big fan here, I did see him in London once. He filled the void that Borat now occupies. :-D
  4. Ok well just for you ;-) The lettering is nonsense, the missiles are also nonsense, this is a fantasy weapons system. You can see one missile droops a bit on one side. It was dreamed up for a politically incorrect film "Les Patterson saves the world". Sir Les (Barry Humphries) as I recall lets off in the UN assembly in face of a gent from the Middle East, causes understandable offence & mayhem descends. I managed to freeze frame the VCR to get the Ferret. http://www.blockbuster.co.uk/dvd/les_patterson_saves_the_world/92161.htm
  5. Nope, but the clue that might give it all away are the vehicle markings.
  6. Well done for taking the plunge everyone else seems chicken or hasn't got the foggiest. It is a Ferret & certainly has a close similarity to a 2/6 which I'm sure inspired it. But Vigilant boxes are bigger.
  7. Nobody has yet touched on that. You need to seperate it into two issues really. The actual function of this equipment from the particular weapons system (oh what a giveaway) & not Malkara I'm afraid ;-)
  8. It is vehicle related & post WW2.
  9. Think about why there are two eyepiece/viewers. i.e. one at the side as well
  10. JSP341 Chapter 12 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Hubnuts.jpg[/img]
  11. Nope but it looks a bit that way.
  12. Not a ventilator cover, the colour is faded IRR NATO Green.
  13. It's about 3 foot on each side of the square base & it's hollow. About 10 years ago I saw one of these in Hampshire & another one in a different location in Hampshire. Although its possible it was the same one.
  14. Nope but it looks a bit that way (TOGS is nothing to do with Terry Wogan is a thermal imaging system. Rapier is a ground based air defence missile)
  15. Nope, it is actually symmetrical. As Tony B suggested a pyramid but with no top, although this is a bit smaller.
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