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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Bored? Not found that so far, been going for 20+ years & always something new. For the last 3 years I have taken a different vehicle & I know others who rotate their vehicles, let alone new acquisitions & new entrants. So there is always a fresh mix of stuff & of course the stuff you didn't get round to seeing the year before! I was only there for a week yet only saw about a quarter of the exhibits, I wish it was in full flurry for say 2 weeks. There are plenty of new people to meet & old contacts to be rekindled. I find no need to buy the entertainment in the evening there is plenty of hospitality & plenty of laughs to be had around the various camp fires. But even just walking around in the evening engaging with an owner of a vehicle of interest to you can easily lead to a beer & an exchange of humour & chat. As for catering, bars & bogs. I take my own food, booze & bog. I always sleep with ear plugs & never got woken up at night. My only regret was being unable to get a request played, but that IS another story!
  2. Ah but how many & which ones are they? Could be embarassing to get them mixed up, could cause all sorts of unpleasantness. We are not at W&P now.
  3. Just have a go at the ones you fancy & I'll try to keep score as they get identified. But please tell me the object no. that the answer is intended for.
  4. Yes I do agree, not only is it a damn nuisance from a noise point of view but it devalues the authority of sirens & blue lights. I would have hoped owners of preserved emergency vehicles would grasp the idea that such devices are there only to be operated in the circumstances of a genuine emergency. I remember at a show some years ago a friend who was a trained fireman had his fire appliance & was providing official fire cover. A vehicle caught fire which was of course of immense fascination to the public. Despite the presence of a modern red appliance trying to push through the crowd, with lights & siren it proved very difficult for him to make much headway. In fact it took so long that the fire was put out by those at the scene using vehicle extinguishers. I had to argue my way through the crowd in front of the appliance. Many were annoyed because they wanted to have a good view of the fire. Most disregarded the lights & siren as they thought it was someone just playing, as most of the weekend sirens had been going of willy nilly. So I really think owners of emergency service vehicle should think carefully about pratting around with their lights & sirens at such events.
  5. fv1609


    Paul I think that is just the point, or in fact one of many! You know what he's like :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  6. But this is Series 2, well 2A on a 1965 export chassis. The headlights in the wing were moved there by Shorts because of the radiator armour.
  7. OK Richard I was only getting you to commit yourself to mines or potatoes. It only specifies Mk 7, mine that is. Full details of other mines in another publication, which I have, but is not easy to find as I'm catalogueing the 61 documents that I gathered at W&P. The trailer does look like an agricultural device & one bloke does look as if he is reading a book. But here it is, Minelayer, Mechanical, Towed Equipment, Mk 1. The truck is dragged along by a bulldozer. Just wait for MO No.100. That contains multiple objects :evil:
  8. Yes well done Richard, I knew I could rely on you. But which one is it?
  9. fv1609


    No he looks far too young.
  10. What are these men doing & what is this conveyance?
  11. I did reply on the intro page, but best to reply here: I have Air Publication 2173B Water-Cooled Gasoline Engines for Ground Equipment. There is a Lister section in 3 chapters for Type A, AH & G2. It is dated June 1945 but A & G2 were to be issued later. Quite a lot of detail on the Type AH in the technical description, it was used on the Zwicky pumping equipment on the 450-gallon fuel trailer. I'll post a pic, if you think it might be similar to yours. The AM Vocabulary code 4F indicates it is for air compressors & servicing trolleys.
  12. I have Air Publication 2173B Water-Cooled Gasoline Engines for Ground Equipment. There is a Lister section in 3 chapters for Type A, AH & G2. It is dated June 1945 but A & G2 were to be issued later. Quite a lot of detail on the Type AH in the technical description, it was used on the Zwicky pumping equipment on the 450-gallon fuel trailer. I'll post a pic, if you think it might be similar to yours. The AM Vocabulary code 4F indicates it is for air compressors & servicing trolleys.
  13. Ah that must be one of my official birthdays, for there are several! I've not been wished a happy birthday on here before. It puzzled me that when my real birthday came other people got wished happy birthday but not me so I kept moving my birthday to see if it would trigger a response. So thank you all, so whether you believe my age is 107 is another thing, although when I look at the few pics of me I have seen recently it looks about right!
  14. In case anyone thought I was being flippant, the Weapons Trials Unit of FVRDE conducted such experiments in August 1967. The conclusion was that it was "a workable and worthwhile proposition."
  15. Far too early, some of us where still in bed
  16. or perhaps you could blow it apart with Cordtex?
  17. Don't people have any sense??
  18. It is a German sub & regularly leased to the Royal Navy for crew training. Apparently we don't have any diesel-electric subs any more, so training has to be done on a borrowed sub. Not sure why we need to train submariners to use a type of sub that is no longer in service. Here is S196 in action. Ignoring the awful music, from what I can work out it is a Dutch doctor being sent to attend to a crewman (or the crewwoman) in the sub.
  19. Not that I know of. The interesting bit is its nationality.
  20. Thought I finished painting the thing. But I've missed a bit! That of course will be the focus of attention for anyone viewing inside. Bit like when I make the effort to do the domestic shopping you are only remembered for what you didn't buy!
  21. Well I hadn't actually thought of that one, who knows if they have it on draught it saves the weight of bottles & cans. But wasn't the reason given by the skipper of the trip-round-the-docks boat.
  22. Yes, it took me by surprise & I thought I had seen it all having just returned from seeing the Bruno film! (BTW the film was a big disappointment, being a long standing Borat fan, I found this film was full of pointless stuff just there to shock & pursued just one aspect of this character with little ingenuity & skill. I didn't hear any laughter in the auditorium from the other FIVE people there!)
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