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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. It seems to have a serated outside, which suggests it is hand held. I imagine the pins would engage a wide nut or flange with many turns & located in an awkward place. The rectangular channel allows an extension piece from a socket set to engage for initial freeing of the component or final tightening?
  2. Yes Richard they are all playing with tools at the moment! Nope afraid not to do with stowage.
  3. Could it not be used in animals for removing two-rooted teeth? The pointy bit would engage where the roots divide, it's curvature & that of the other side would engage under the bulbosity of the crown thereby forcing the forceps further below the gum. As it does so it improves the engagement of the pointy bit giving an improved grip, as it does so the outward bulbosity of the beaks press against bone of the jaw, giving & equal & opposite effect encouraging the beaks to be displaced outwards thereby elevating the tooth with it, perhaps?
  4. Engaging the end of a spring? eg when re-fitting the springs on brake shoes?
  5. I have a cunning plan, but what is it for?
  6. Oh looks like I'm stuck with it! Like you I thought that it should be saved from the bin, as someone, somewhere must need it!
  7. I don't know whether it was used, but it looks pretty flimsy & hard to see how they can keep the platform horizontal. But yes well done Richard you are correct.
  8. Ah yes I know what you are thinking Neil, but there isn't a large dish under there.
  9. What is this substructure part of? (Being a nice day I probably won't respond until this evening. I know some of you think I go all quiet when someone gets near the answer, so I don't want that to give you false hope!)
  10. Does that mean you have a use for this damn thing GE? I want to get rid of it soon.
  11. Yes, good detective work. The "getting warm" of course was only a reference to the neutrality of a country!
  12. Yes well done GE. You saw the link. It was made by SAAB in co-operation with the Royal Swedish Army Ordnance Administration.
  13. Getting warm but not geographically, if you see what I mean.
  14. Andy I've used a kit like figure 2 to re-plumb 3 Humber 1-Tons with no problems.
  15. Oh yes I see it's one of those songs that goes on a bit, rather like "There's a hole in my bucket, dear Lisa"
  16. Not German, but yes 1960s. This was new on the market in 1967.
  17. Oh there you are! I thought you were poised for an early kill at the beginning. Yes it has the Russian collar look, but it isn't Russian.
  18. You're always on those chat lines! Or do people ring you up & ask for grunting noises that come a Dingo engine so they know what to listen for? Anyway, I thought DB was going to get it he asked if the man was on a firing range & then went no further with it. But yes well done Richard you are correct The man is operating radio controlled pop up targets. Just to round it off. What country & when?
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