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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Sounds like I've got a date then? What & the same on the return journey? I once set out on the return journey on the Monday but felt a feeling of anarchy descend during the night once the show was officially over. So I don't know where you thinking of parking the Pigs. Although now the Hop Farm is a bit of a detour I was going to bimble along the coastal route.
  2. Tyler I'm not sure if you are after a Larkspur intercom per se or whether you want it to complete the restoration. But surely the intercom is in the diecast box (with volume control) mounted above the Larkspur junction box? I think the junction box is merely to interface the headsets to the diecast box rather there being any more Larkspur equipment fitted.
  3. I'll probably still go but won't bring anything especially interesting to exhibit. When the weather looks to be dry I have taken the Pig (5+ hours) or Shorland (4+ hours). Another 1+ hours on top of this is too much, particularly for the return journey when I comply with the organiser's wishes by staying to the end of the show. There seems to be some excitement about the good motorway connections. Ok for visitors but I hate motorway driving in the above vehicles vision is clearly not so good as in a car but speed is the issue that other road users can't grasp. They either try to bully you into faster speeds by tailgating or just suddenly zoom up your rear not realising you are not as fast as a car. So good motorway access means nothing to me. Dawdling through the countryside on a summer's day on B roads was part of the fun of it, but another 1+ hour would turn into a drudge apart from any fuel considerations. So hope to be there but just in Land Rover
  4. This is a NT4A set up in HMS Yarmouth, probably not get all this on the raft.
  5. Bernard that's what ******* censorship is all about Never to make things too easy
  6. It was 1923. The power levels must have been frightening the aerial had to be capable of handling 12.5 A at 16 kV.
  7. Jerry yes very well done! Nobody previously seemed to consider that the pipes, hoses etc were electric cables. In fact it was Cable, high tension, pattern 816 This was for testing a trailing antenna for submarine use operating on 30kHz. Vernon did branch out it electrical & wireless work. One thinks of HMS Mercury but that I think only came about in WW2. I'll upload the full diagram in a minute It was located here: http://www.raf.mod.uk/rafsubaqua/expeditions/portsmouth.cfm
  8. Bernard I've done a search that includes the answer & there were a couple of hits that linked the answer with Vernon. Although not to this particular research experiment.
  9. That won't help although you can see the lake. I thought the game was up when mentioned HMS Vernon. So I searched for it & found stuff that I thought might lead one in the winning direction although you won't find a direct answer it can point you in the right direction. Richard is about so you don't want him to pip you at the post like he sometimes does :-D
  10. Not quite sure how you got to that one Tony but it ain't.
  11. Bernard I'm afraid there are no drawings of the shed. It has no tactical reason to be camouflaged & it is not disguised to look like something else as far as I'm aware. So a shed GP I assume. I expect there would be chaps inside to oversee the apparatus, but if I illustrate the apparatus it will give the game away & nobody would want to win because it was made too easy, would they? :-D
  12. Not that Tony & I thought were coming back in with a winner for us its been bugging you all day I know
  13. Jerry I can see what you are getting at but its not a submarine detector sort of thing
  14. I'm very impressed with the range of possibilities being suggested. But this is nothing to do with sound, mines or torpedoes (although it is in a torpedo testing lake)
  15. Interesting one, but nothing like that.
  16. I wonder whether in fact something like that might work? But no tubes involved here.
  17. Interesting concept Lauren but no hose involved here.
  18. Jerry others have suggested similar sorts of things. It is not sonar, sound, Asdic related, although it looks as if it might be!
  19. Nope although probably a good test of a divers skill to help set it all up. Anyone any ideas as to when this was? It has a bearing on my 'Yes' to HMS Vernon.
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