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Posts posted by fv1609

  1. are these constructed using plain wire ?
    Wally yes very good. :D


    People assume it is barbed wire but this was 5 years before the British Army started to use barbed wire.


    It was No.14 Birmingham Wire Gauge in 90 lb rolls giving about one mile of wire




    do they have bells /cans with stones in to warn of a surprise attack attached to the wires or is it more to do with the size 3x3
    Nothing as elaborate as bells etc the feature was the 3x3 things
  2. in each box half is shaded in does this mean for example there are more strands on two sides of the box than on the other two sides or am l look at it wrong


    I can see what you mean Wally but its not as complex as that, the shading is illustrating perspective.

  3. Is the berm in front of them to conceal it until its too late for the horses to see it,
    Yes Mick




    collapsable tops,




    rope or something to tangle their hoofs (hooves.....horses feet!!!!)
    Yes tangling was an important feature, but not just for horses it was to slow down an infantry attack as well.


    But not rope


    Such defences were considered particularly useful against an uncivilised enemy who may attack at night.

  4. Do we assume the structure is extendable to left and right of the drawing along the axis of the parapet or whatever it is?



    A forest of wooden poles/spikes rammed into the earth.


    15 feet deep.


    Just too far for cavalry to jump. ???


    So there is an important feature of this thing missed so far that relates to these 3ft square areas. They are not pyramids but there is some entanglement but not from barbed wire.

  5. is it to direct a attack in to lines of fire


    Not specifically Wally although seeing this thing may encourage attackers to go somewhere else or severely slow them down making them easier targets, although in some situations may make them less easy

  6. It looks like spikes/pyramids, but I'm going to go out on a limb and ask if this is a top down view of string or wire placed to tangle with people's feet?


    Lauren spikes yes, pyramids no, entanglement yes, view from above yes

  7. Welcome Giuseppe I'm in daily contact with Italy. Helping a friend in San Macrio, Lucca about to launch a Land Rover book. It is bi-lingual but most of the book consists of photos, diagrams & tables of information.




    I don't know if you take Land Italia Magazine but I see I have got 6 pages in there with my vehicles. Although I don't know what the article says :D

  8. Is it some sort of reinforcement for the turf or whatever behind it?




    Andy sorry you got buried in the rush. I saw your post on the email notification but didn't find it here until Lauren pointed the way. Thanks Lauren.


    Andy, turf - yes, what's important is the structure in front of it

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