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Posts posted by Kuno

  1. Recently I came across two pictures in a book about the East African campaign of WW1; the German "Schutztruppe" used the wheels of some steam tractors as a carriage for the heavy guns they removed from the Kreuzer "Königsberg" after the vessel was destroyed. Looks a little bit odd - but it has worked...

  2. The Libyan Authorities delegated all in all 10 policemen to "attend" the service. Two of them to guide the traffic at the entrance and eight as some sort of "guard of honor" - no weapons no anti-riot equipment just a silent presence to help the visitors. It was quite remarkable to have a Christian service in the open air inmidst a living quarter of a 100% Muslim population. Nobody of the vew who attended from the windows of their flats did anythng to disturb but just obeserved silently.

  3. Friday 14th. November 2008, The Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery, Bab Gargaresh, Tripoli / Libya


    Welcome by Reverend Canon Robbie Prakasam


    "We are gathered here to worship God, Whose power alone sustains the world and Whose will is that all people live in peace and harmony. We meet at this time and place especially to remember those who have died in two world wars and in particular those who are burried in this resting place.


    It is fitting that their sacrifice should never be forgotten.


    As we gather here today, for remembrance and thanksgiving, let us also remember those who have died or suffered in other wars and acts of inhumanity.


    We also pray for peace in the world, that the heads of nations may be guided in the path of peace and that we may live together in unity and peace."

    Tripolis, Remembrance Day 2008 (100).jpg

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    Tripolis, Remembrance Day 2008 (103).JPG

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    Tripolis, Remembrance Day 2008 (107).JPG

    Tripolis, Remembrance Day 2008 (111).JPG

    Tripolis, Remembrance Day 2008 (112).JPG

    Tripolis, Remembrance Day 2008 (119).JPG

    Tripolis, Remembrance Day 2008 (121).JPG

    Tripolis, Remembrance Day 2008 (122).JPG

  4. I took the picture of this particular wreck some years ago in the oasis of Gialo. Was probably a vehicle used during the early oil-exploration in the 1960ies. Would really like to have it running in the dunes of the nearby Calansho-sandsea...


    I always ask myself, why the US manufacturers often have this small loading bay instead of making use of the whole width of a truck? Looks cool but reduces the fright-volume dramatically...

    HMV-Forum (16).JPG

  5. Time is really running - already 3 months since I have "discovered" this forum. I realized quickly that I am not a typical member. Although my LR is already 10 years of age, it does not really fit to the other vehicles here. And what I have in matters of older vehicles are only some pictures...

  6. Had to read several of the posts in this thread until I realized that the problem with the "forbidden poppies" appeared in the home countries of the people who shall be remembered - not in one of the enemy's countries. I am not very familiar with poppies but I thought, they idea is to make people thinking about war - respectively what it means to go to war and die there...

  7. It's really strange that cars BUILT for offroad use are suffering from rust more than the normal street cars (made the same experience with my Landrover when I had it for 3 years at the coast near Benghazi - much more corrosion than the normal streetcars we had :-()

  8. ...somehow I cannot avoid the impression that Austin and Morris tried to copy the LR. It is now 10 years ago that I saw them on a Libyan scrapeyard. Have no clue what thes two cars were. It looks to me as if it would have been the same car but built by two companies. Would be nice, if somebody could enlight me in this subject..

    Austin and Morris-01.JPG

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    Austin and Morris-06.JPG

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