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Posts posted by Brooky

  1. Found these in a second hand shop.

    They must be part of a series, has anybody got any more?

    The illustrations (by Denis Bishop) were also used in the book "Military Transport of World War 2" and other Blandford publications of the early 70's.

    It would be nice if we could get the full set!!!


  2. this may sound a bit pedantic, but you state RAF was post WW1? not so, RAF formed on April 1st 1918 from RFC and RNAS, a good 7 months before the end.


    nice piccy though, a Sentinel Steam waggon cant think of the type though




    According to my research it is a 6 ton Standard Waggon (note the Sentinel spelling of waggon) supplied to the War Department during WW1, there were over 200 supplied the Army had 100, the Admiralty 40 and the Air Ministry over 75.

    Most of these were disposed of as surplus after the war, however some were retained by the Air Ministry and served well into the 1920's.

  3. Hello hanno,

    There's a picture of that one in the first post, i believe this one is a 1943.


    Thanks brooky a couple of new ones, SFF is one i've heard about but that is the first picture i've got of it, looks quite a good one, i think pete gain owned this one not to long back. PFF is mick from leeds, i haven't seen that picture before, from his bonnet number its from the same batch as mine i really want the chassis number of it as i know he traced the history of it with the RLC.

    The one with no number plate i haven't seen before either.

    The jersey one, i've been in touch with the new owner glynn and got the chassis number of it 2000 after mine. I'm still trying to work out how many aeroscreen one were made.


    SFF was photographed at Woodvale rally a few years ago and was owned by a guy from Stoke on Trent (i think) and from memory he aquired it from Bletchley park.

    I will stand corrected on all that info, time plays funny tricks with my memory!!!

    The unregistered on is owned by Ian Durrant and resides in Lincolnshire. If you do a search on "the gunner" I am sure you will find his website dealing with deacts etc.

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