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25 pounder

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Posts posted by 25 pounder

  1. An urgent call for Belgian and Dutch members ,

    I got a demand , to guide an Australian veteran on his tour through Belgium and Holland , from october 21st till 27 th,

    Unfortunately , I cannot do this myself , due to proffesional occupations , but I'm trying to help our friend , so they can go home with a good feeling , of hospitality and generosity,


    A copy of the original mail will be send on request,


    Best regards to everyone



  2. The badge reads 'MINITUG' if that means anything to anyone. The larger boxes appear to have 4 lights, the smaller ones 2.

    Are those lights ment for guidance-signalling airplanes on the airfield ???

    just a guess !!!!

  3. British and French tanks at the start of WW2 were amongst the most advanced in the world. Half the trouble was the tactics employed, the so called 'penny packet'.

    I fully agree , 1939 to 1945 , 6 years , but it looks a century of (military) evolution ,

    If we compare British with German military machinery at the beginning of WW 2 , there is not a lot difference , in the equipment

    It was the need of superior material , and the will to achieve targets that helped the German war machine with their surch to better machinery,

    At the end , it surely was a negative factor , because of the number of types and various models , the war machine had a lot of problems to keep up with spares and parts for repair damaged tanks/tractors/guns

  4. The Belgian section of "The Garrison" will be there , known as the 1st Belgian Field Battery.


    We joined The Garrison at a training session , at Tilbury Fort , met them at Normandy , Ver-sur-Mer , where they had built gun emplacements for the famous 25 Pounder guns, and for a firing demonstration at Trungy , where the regiment had their gun emplacements during WW 2



  5. Hi Nuno , welcome to the club,

    We share a common thing , Portugese relatives , my niece is about to wed a Portugese guy ,

    Nice lightweight you've got there ,

    My intrest rather goes to WW 2 vehicles and equipment , so my question to you , ; do you know the sad story about the gun tractors in Portugal , are they still there ?

  6. I don't know about the real idea behind this formula of "sightseeing".


    A battlefield (former) is a place to commemorate , in silence and with respect for the men who died there. It should not be a way to make easy money , not by selling souvenirs , nor by flying over it at a high rate with the passengers .


    Let's honour the fallen on the traditional way , by paying our respects in front of the graves , while reading the names on the tombstones. We ow them more than a quick "fly by"..

  7. Welcome to the forum ,


    A school in our neighborhood achieved a project for its students to built an exact copie of a WW 1 fighter plane , and they have suceeded , the plane ran on the runway , due to restrictions by authorities , it was not permitted to take off , as it made an attemt to do so .

  8. Hi ,

    Sorry it took a while before answering this post,

    All I can say about the replica is that I've seen it on the HWW -show at Wommelgem (Antwerp) , and it looked very nice (to me altough !! )

    I know the artist's personally , Maurice Robens, he lives in the French speaking part of Belgium , near the village of Maredsous

  9. The diggers , a group of archeologists , who search on the former battlefields of Flanders may no longer proceed their activity,


    They have been brought to trial by a professional archeolog , and he seems to have the Lady of Justice on his side,


    Industrial plants are rising on Flanders Fields , and the secrets and victims will be sealed for ever under the concrete,


    The diggers have done great work , several soldiers of the Great War recieved at last a final place , after having been hidden several decades in anonimity, near their comrades on a burrial ground


    Lots of artefacts , silent wittnesses of time have been brought to surface,


    It's a shame that some people try to deny and forget !!!!!!:???:???

  10. Do you want the factory collor ? If you clean block you will usually find the bottom collor grey (industrial grey ) olive drab /green is french Army rebuild , red is Belgian army rebuild, grey or egshell green on ex Dutch Gmc`s .Israel used light grey .


    I prefer the factory color , as they went in service with the US Army , WW 2 period

    After cleaning my block thoroughly , I found no color at all , everything was very rusty

  11. While restoring my GMC , open cab , tool set , I've separated the engine - gearbox from the frame and want to restore it to original color ,

    Does anybody knows what's the right color for the "power unit ", I've understood , on other net blogs, it should be painted olive drab , but glossy paint ,

    Before going into action , I'd rather ask the "specialists" on this forum ;

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