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25 pounder

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Posts posted by 25 pounder

  1. You probably got that impression because they are stapled one on another ,

    I rather think they belonged to an artillery piece ,

    also visible , several bullet impacts on the rubber,:-\

    they are to big/wide to belong on the Panzer 4

  2. I bought a pair of wheels , plain rubber , on very heavy solid steel rims ,

    Tyres are made by "VORWERK" (german manufacturer before WW 2) with inscription "6 m/kg"

    Does anybody know what these wheels used to carry ?????





  3. :-)Hi Davey ,

    Welcome to the forum ,

    There's an Irish connection with our family ,

    The man was a Belgian soldier , captured at Mai 1940 , set free at December 1940 , managed to get to the UK , got to a training base for Belgian soldiers in Ireland , met his future wife over there , Eileen McDaid , who served as an army nurse , they were both sent overseas , acomplished the European campaign , and finally the got married after the war ,

    so far my story,


  4. That the gun has been in combat , no doubt about that , because the inner legs of the cradle were filled up with sand (red brown--desertsand ?), Cradle has plate on it , build in 1940 , made by C &T Weir ---Does anyone ever heard about that company?

    Barrel may have been changed , breech has markings "H &W" what stands for Harland and Wollf ( didn't know that , been told by Garrison gunner Mike)

    but also has a small sign C42 and broad arrow.

    Gun has green paint on , but inside has yellow colour under it.

  5. while working on our 25 Pr gun , I noticed that almost every part has a "FL" mark followed by 3 or 4 numbers , some smaller parts have a "C" with couple of numbers , and often , the numbers seem to follow on eachother , such as "FL 2556 , FL2557, FL2558,....."

    My questions :

    what does "FL" stands for , and should all the numbers be the same on the gun ?

    What does the "C" stands for on other parts ?

  6. Nice to see this old heap - A Peugeot 404, is showing up in some of the snaps from Cauquigny! I haven't been there for a few years. Is it still there, I wonder?

    it's not a Peugeot pictured here , it's a Renault 18 stationwagon

  7. All that could be re-used by the German troops(except helmets , uniforms- with the exception of what has happened in the Ardennes , Comando Skorzeny with US uniforms ) , has been used , as the war went to its end , we see more and more pictures of German troops with Us or British equipment , weapons , vehicles ...

  8. Hello.

    Enjoy to see an apparatus which returned by far, of the countries

    of EST of l' Europe. it has was sifted balls during the events on a aéroport.l' assosciation has réeunis the financial bottom to make it come and restored to CARPIQUET.

    I has; is a friend and member of the forum of GMC which responsabilté of it to restore it.

    Stephane , it's a member of our group who has installed the museum of the Belgian Brigade Piron (Kris Michiels)in the second bunker on the Merville site


  9. Do we know if the Germans used the same format/design of bunker for each country?


    Yes , the German Authorities used a standard procedure , what they called " Regelbau" , constructing the same bunkers , altough a lot of variants have been constructed , but we notice that always the same patterns were used , eg , The Atlantikwall, is one of the best examples

    A very interesting book , edited by Heimdal , about The Atlantikwall in Normandy , shows all the types of bunkers build along the coastline



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