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Posts posted by Starfire

  1. Mate, It's your vehicle and you're free to do with it what you will.


    From what I can see, you've not broken any laws and have raised awareness to (an admittedly first-world) problem, far beyond what could have been done by a few people standing around with signs, while having a bit of fun.


    Keep doing what you're doing and enjoy it.


    On another note, it looks to be a very well presented vehicle.




  2. Nope, horrible vehicle. You really don't want it. I guess that I'll have to help the old guy out and take it myself, to save you all the trouble :P


    Really, though it's a nice find and provided that the chassis is in good shape, it should come up wonderfully with a little work.




  3. I could be wrong, and I frequently am, but it sounds like you are describing the indicator switch on my Saracen. I don't have any good photos of it (I'll take some on the weekend if you like), but you can see it towards the end of this video, to the right of the starter panel:






  4. It looks like it's fairly easy to build and you can order instructions for about 25 GBP. The down side is that it's in Russian. Hopefully an english version will be available soon:




    For the record, I would totally build one of these. It would be great strapped to the side of the Saracen.




  5. Hi Dave,


    From some of the posts floating around about Stalwarts, you should be able to adjust the ride height down to the normal level using the adjusters, but I can't give you any actual numbers.


    As for oil, OMD 75 and OMD 110 are pretty much equivalent and can be substituted with either a straight 30W or a 10W30 oil, which should be suited for use with older engines.


    Saracen specific, but should be close enough for you:






  6. I just noticed that my rank is Private! hahaha I havnt been a private for twenty years. What do I have to do to avoid promotion. Im happy to be a Private forever. I cant live with the responsiblity of rank.


    It's based on post count. I guess that you could just be a forum lurker for the rest of your life :P

  7. Adding oil to something already locked up won't help, I'm afraid.


    I would suggest liberally spraying as much WD-40/RP7 in there as you can, let it sit for a day or two and repeat. If it hasn't freed up in a week or two, strip it down and inspect it. Even if it does free up enough to get it rolling, you'll still need to strip and inspect at a later date, as something ins't right.


    Let us know how you go.




  8. Being basically flat, solid discs, I would think that the easiest method would be to lightly blast them with soda or something followed by mechanical sanding/buffing.


    Of course, there are plenty of places that do rim polishing for cars that should be able to get them looking like new for a relatively small outlay.


    I expect to see some photos when they are done, I've often wondered what my Saracen would look like with polished rims :D




  9. I'm also pretty sure that the first pic is a Mk 2 or Mk 3, as it has a roof hatch and vents down both sides of the inside, but it has had some home-made padding added to it, which appears to be pretty rough and not in any pattern I've ever seen for a spall liner.

  10. Hi James,


    The manual that I have covers all marks, but the stowage section is pretty basic and seems to cover only the MK2/3 APC in any detail. Given their relatively long service lives and the number of different units that they served with, I would think that there would be many variations on correct stowage.


    I'd also like to point out that only the Mk 5 and 6 had the spall liners fitted, and as part of that same upgrade, their rear gun rings and BREN guns were removed, so I've got no stowage fittings for a BREN at all in mine and can only go by documentation and photos I've found on the internet. As an aside, these things were out of service by about the time that I was born, so nothing I say can have much authority :P




  11. Something I can't for the life of me work out is how the tool works. The centre section passes through a hole in the body and then has the large hex section threaded onto it. From James' photo, it appears that rturning the hex extends the centre to hold the torsion bar up, but what retains the hex against the body? From the drawing, it looks like unscrewing the hex would simply remove it and not extend the centre. What am I missing?




  12. According to the manual I have, the Bren was stored strapped to the floor on the left side of the vehicle, with mags stored on the right side. I'll try and remember to post up the stowage diagrams, but lacking a scanner, I'll have to take a photo with my phone.




  13. Awesome,


    Unfortunately, they don't ship to Australia and they only have one of them. I'll keep looking, now that I know what I'm after - one of the guys in my car club collects military radio gear and might have some kicking around.




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