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Posts posted by Starfire

  1. It looks like an early Mk 1 (note the 3 door turret). Maybe it was there for trials?


    How is your Saracen going? Made any more progress on getting it back on the road? I've had mine out and about, but it's off the road again until I can get one of the tyres repaired.




  2. Thanks for all your replies, I can't honestly see how they would've been used on a vehicle either. I may list it on ebay and see what interest there is for it.



    Maybe on the recovery variant?

  3. The Saracen is fitted with a standard pintle hook and the manual suggests towing no more than one tonne.


    You could certainly tow more, safely, with a braked trailer but you need to be aware that it will put additional load on the drivetrain, particularly the fluid flywheel; overheat them much and the seal will fail, dumping out all of the OM-13 and leaving you on the side of the road. If you stick to on-road towing you should be fine though.




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