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Niels v

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Posts posted by Niels v

  1. these brackets were used for holding down the firing platform or spare tire (there is discussion about which). Most beetle back gun tractors lost their rear body in civilian service, and when then restored people dont have anything to measure from and therefore it doesnt get fitted.

  2. Some of these urban explores has begun to go a bit to fare, yes it is very interesting to se how Chernobyl looks today but entering eg. The barn of the Becker collection just because it looks unused is in my opinion crossing the border, privat property is property. I would be really crossed

  3. I just have to share this, we where looking through some digital archives, and came a cross a, for us, unseen colour picture of the 251 taken in 45. We have pictures of it in 46 but have never come a cross a war time one until now.

    it is the one nearest the camera, with the rocket frames on, there are number details on it that enables us to determine that this is the vehicle we restored.

    The picture is from a local historic archive uploaded to arkiv.dk


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