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Niels v

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Posts posted by Niels v

  1. In the pictures there is guy sitting on the deck behind the driver and the girls are sitting on the turret top.

    How are the rules for seating in a vehicle in the UK?

    I dont think that seating arrangement or lack off would have been allowed in Denmark.

  2. Hello Jean and welcome

    I cant help you with identifying if its a C30 or C60s, do you have a chassis number on it you might be able to see the type from that, but I can tell you that it is not a Cab 12 you have but by looking at the nose, and the very small engine hatch it is an earlier Cab 11 Chevrolet you have.

    You might also want to check out the http://www.mapleleafup.net/forums/ there at alot of CMP vehicle owner on there aswell.



  3. Yes we can mostly thank civilian service for saving many of our early vehicles.

    I have been thinking about restoring one of my gun tractors as the recovery truck it was for 40 years.

    But mostly civilian service look is very easy to convert back to military, mostly a matter of paint.



  4. I know that the one in last pictures are available if any one was interested, its a guy from the Norwegian military vehicles club that has it.

    The others where also available but would take a bit more digging to find the owners but it could be done.

    There is also a number of Fordson WOT6's up there.

    I will gladly help with establishing a contact, if people are genuinely interested.








  5. The Cab 13 design where employed on all versions of the series, GS lorry, tanker, wrecker, HUB, Quad etc. (to my knowledge)

    there are differences between the Ford and Chevrolet produced CMP's, on the outside, the grill was square mesh on the ford and stretch perforated plate. The bar above the bumper where mounted on springs on the ford and more static on the chevy. The Ford had Ford Canada written underneath the headlights. the ford had split axles and the Chevy banjo.

    The interior design is also a bit different because on is running a strait six and the other a wider shorter V8.

    but if you search the net you should be able to find what you need. http://www.canadianregister.co.uk/chevy_or_ford.html here e.g.

  6. Hello James

    Yes that one is the Australian build version of a Cab 13 gun tractor, and I think yes only used by the Australians.

    Your best bet to find more info is having a look at the MLU forum. Yes its the 25 pdr gun and limber its towing.

    You might be able to use a mirror models or italeri cab 13 as basis but I am not sure about the chassis length.

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