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Posts posted by Spood

  1. I'm Portsmouth bound Friday evening, 7am Sat ferry then 8 days to take it all in. Can't wait.


    What a coincidence although we are there for two weeks, (not showing off, honest) hoping to be in Portsmouth for early hours.

  2. O K guys and gals we are all well into preservation, history research etc on military and old vehicles but we must all have at least one other passion in life besides the obvious so to start this for a bit of fun heres mine and has been since i was 15 years old. Believe me they have been put to good use over the years and here are 2 thirds of my collection, so whos next up


    Nice collection, have got a few myself, Strat, LPx2 and an Ibanez. Playing in a band is a major passion, on a par with driving my Jeep.

  3. A quick google shows that Renold are industrial chain and gear specialists. I see the word chain is on the box, this doesn't help tell you what a cramp is though does it. Guessing it could be a tool for holding chain while inserting false link possibly. That's as helpful as it gets sorry.

  4. This may have been discussed on here before, if so feel free to point the way. I get the reasoning behind it but what I need clarified is, does it effect anyone taking a vehicle or is it just groups and displays? Some friends and I plan to take a couple of m/c's and my jeep, not for any displays or anything but just to have a drive round and be part of the whole thing, I'm sure you get the picture. So do we have to register or not? Any advice would be most helpful

  5. Spood is a house the way to go or a campsite?


    As we're going for a fortnight we thought we'd like a bit of luxury. Nothing against camping, in fact, I love it, but as there are a dozen of us going the cost is acceptable at just over £100 a person. The house is superb, Mrs Spood and myself had a guided tour last year when we were over there. There is also a lockable double garage so we can keep the vehicles reasonably safe as well, I can't wait.

  6. Back again after a hiatus of a couple of months, where have I been you may ask, or indeed you may not care but here goes. I have actually escaped the suffering that was being "just a number" in a factory for seventeen and a half years and moved on. Due to the imminent retirement or more likely slowing down of my father in law I have now become a partner in his building business alongside his son and brother. It is like a breath of fresh air and the other half says it's like living with a new man. It is so nice to be able to make your own decisions instead of following the creed of some overblown talentless manager.

    Sorry to go on but for years I could see no light at the end of the tunnel but now I am free and it's great. :clap:

  7. Sorry about the delay answering Paul but have been on hols, thanks for the offer but I don't know if it will go ahead or not next year as we have not had time for a post mortem meeting. I will be in touch when we have decided what happens next.

    We have been down the Oswestry 40's route without much success but I agree it needs a total rebuild so to speak, oh and some nice weather would be welcome.

  8. I quite agree, it was a shambles. It's a shame as the show really has huge potential. Most of the people we spoke to weren't too scathing about it but this year was a disappointment. Out of 112 vehicles booked in 27 turned up, probably due to the weather, or the threat of bad weather, luckily we had about 70 that turned up on spec. Our problem is manpower, it appears that the majority of S&BC members aren't bothered so we end up with a few people trying to do everything, I think only about 6 or 7 members actually brought vehicles which is quite poor for their own show.

    We've always been pleased to have your display as it is very effective but some people have said they find it a bit unwelcoming and you do seem a bit insular and don't get involved much. No offence meant but just an observation.



  9. Mrs Spood and myself are off in three weeks time :clap:, Maisy will probably be one of the first stops. We can't wait to go, apart from the obvious attractions it is just a damn nice area to stay in and we still haven't seen anywhere near all the sites of interest.

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