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Posts posted by Spood

  1. The lot I work for uses the American Museum at Duxford in some of it's sales brochures as we made the insulation used in the building, in fact there is a 99.9% chance that yours truly made a lot of it himself :-). Haven't been there for several years, must make the effort soon ............ Duxford that is not work. ;-)


    Great pics by the way

  2. Some sad tales of working woe in this thread, just to add my two penneth, I have just been told that I have to discipline one of the lads on my shift for having time off because his dad has died. "I don't think so!" was all I said before leaving the office.


    Just when I thought they couldn't sink any lower.

  3. Finally found the time to investigate, no problem with fuel pump so gave filter a blow out and hey presto, one happy little jeep owner, been out for a drive and all is ok. To top it all, it hasn't cost me a penny to fix so at the moment all is right in Spoodland :banana:

  4. The Grand Bunker at Ouistreham is worth a visit if you are doing the British end. Also if you happen to be is Asnelles (I think, nodoubt someone will put me right) at low tide you can walk out quite close to the Mullberry caissons and get an idea of the size. If you are up round Utah area Azerville is definitely worth a look. Longues is good so is Merville. If you go through Courseulles you need to go to the cafe that overlooks the beach by the marina entrance, there is a large car park and also a Sherman on the other side of the road. It isn't posh or special but they serve the best coffee Mrs Spood and myself have ever had :drool: :tup:



  5. The unthinkable has happened, for the first time since 1998 my jeep is playing up. While doing some stuff in the shed for the house I thought I'd start her up for the first time since before Xmas. As usual after standing for a while I primed the carb by hand and then pressed the button, two turns and she purred into life, lovely I thought but after about 15/20 seconds she stopped :-(, pressed the button again and after a few turns away she went, :-) only to stop again :-(. I had 4 or 5 more attempts with the same result. Sadly I didn't have the time to investigate but I'm thinking along the lines of fuel pump fault, perhaps diphragm, or possibly sucking some air in somewhere, it just seems it isn't delivering enough fuel to the carb, any thoughts anyone. :?

  6. Not taking the Jeep but just booked hol in Sept for this year, booking through a firm that does cottages (3rd time) prices are based on Dover - Calais so we pay a bit extra to go Portsmouth - Caen, it's usually about £60. This year it's £164 :schocked: where the hell did that come from all of a sudden, that's a rise of umpteen %, (can't find calculator), saying that it's over £300 for the ferry alone if you book separately so I suppose it's still a bargain of sorts, and we just have to go as we love it so much.


    Stop press, just saved £30 by having our own insurance.


    Now it just seems a long time until September :-(.

  7. I mentioned in the Xmas pressie thread that Mrs Spood had given me a book on WW2 airfields in Herefordshire and Worcestershire, a fascinating book as;

    1 It's local to us.

    2 I work on the site of one of the featured airfields.

    What prompted me to write was that after reading through it I am stunned at how many planes and crews were lost in accidents due to, mechanical failures, bad weather, bad luck or just bad flying. When you think that it involves just a small number of airfields compared to the amount that were active during the war, frontline or otherwise, it makes you wonder just how many crews/planes were lost not involving combat. The statistics are probably recorded somewhere, anybody any ideas?

  8. Interesting enough but a bit stilted I thought (just had a re-read) he has definitely written better.


    Anybody read Half a Wing, Three Engines and a Prayer, haven't read it for a while but as I recall, not a bad book at all.



  9. A change of job to something a bit more rewarding would be nice. On the MV front Mrs Spood and myself hope to do some bigger shows further afield this year, things have been a bit quiet for a couple of years, probably a bit hopeful to think about another vehicle but who knows. It is also my intention to learn to fly a r/c aircraft. Most importantly I would like to stay healthy

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