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Posts posted by Spood

  1. Just a word my dad used to use when I was the age of a little pig. If he was doing something to his car I would usually be there asking what's this, what's that, as kids do and his first answer would invariably be " Oh that bit bolts to the spood" before telling me the real answer.

  2. 06.10am local time off the East coast of South America near Montevideo, smoke sighted on the horizon from the lookout post on HMS Ajax. HMS Exeter peels away from formation to investigate, 06.18am she opens fire as she is straddled by shells from Graf Spee. So begins the battle of the River Plate, the first major see battle of WW2 which was to last 78 minutes and result in the loss of sixty four British seamen and thirty seven German sailors.

    Despite the advantages of the pocket battleship, a broadside from her main 11in guns weighing 4140lbs against the combined 3400lbs of the three British ships, the cruisers caused enough damage to make the German captain retreat to the harbour at Montevideo.

    Following days of deception by the British in which they convinced the German captain that much heavier units were converging on the estuary he scuttled his ship on Dec 17th rather than risk a breakout.

  3. Has anybody seen the front page of the Sun today, obviously there is going to be some sensationalism but are things getting as bad as they say. More ships mothballed, RAF without enough planes, army families living in substandard housing. What the hell is happening to this country? Could someone please explain why we are paying more and more taxes yet everything it pays for is getting worse. I'm as patriotic as the next man but doesn't it make you feel like saying stuff it and getting on the next plane to somewhere else (damn that'll be extra tax, I'll go by boat). Angry doesn't start to describe what I feel. :argh: :banghead:


    if Mrs spood gets out of bed in time! :roll:




    Ooooh Al, better not let her see that or there could be trouble :box

    But yes there is a very good chance we will be on the patch, and I'm sure the lovely Mrs Spood will be out of bed and keen as mustard :yay!:

  5. I thought I would ease myself back into real life this week but have hardly had time to breathe, just had time to get a few photos over this evening but still things to do, places to go and people to see. No rest for the wicked as they say :-(

    Still here's a couple of snaps I'm quite pleased with.


    width=640 height=480http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Twadj/2006_0921France20060025.jpg[/img]


    And another which you could call commandos eye view


    width=640 height=480http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Twadj/2006_0921France20060028.jpg[/img]


    I hope these come out ok.


    While at the Pegasus museum I found in a corner something I missed in the crowds of 2004, a small display about HMS Arethusa. Only a couple of pictures but the interesting thing was the photocopy of the ships log for 6th June listing her actions on the day. I think I mentioned in another thread that my dad was on the Arethusa at the time, so I now have a very good idea of what he was doing that day, quite a moment when Mrs Spood and myself stood and read it, certainly brings a lump to the throat.


    I will attempt more over the next couple of days.


  6. Well I'm back, had a superb time, weather was great and made a couple of interesting finds, more to follow, that is of course if I'm not banned :wink: I also refuse to appologise for being a Jeep owner :pfrt:

  7. Thanks for the vote of support Berni. :tup: A poll eh, do I detect a smidge of envy here, if so :pfrt: :wink:. Only a couple of hours before we leave now so I shall bid you a fond farewell and if you're lucky I may allude to my jaunt on my return.

    Happy posting while I am away. :wave:



  8. I feel terrible but it is my sad duty :cry: to inform you all that as from tomorrow I will be in Normandy for one whole week :banana: I will of course be thinking of you all as I relax with (probably) several glasses of whatever takes my fancy at the time :beer:, and, should I suffer a pang of guilt, that I am here, and you are all slaving away to pay your bills I shall put on a brave face ------ and carry on regardless :wink:


    I believe myself and Mrs Spood are concentrating on the British sector this year, cant wait.


    See you soon.

  9. As far as I know the trailer was on a farm in Evesham from around 1946 when it was sold at a disposal sale. Quite how it got from the east of England over to this side of the country I don't know. I have had it for about three years now and it went to Normandy in June 2004 which was a great trip. I just thought it was about time I did something about keeping it in one piece. My dilemma is that my Jeep is marked as 30 Corps and I would like a trailer that matches in British livery.

    Any volounteer sponsors out there? :wink:

  10. Now I know that works here are a few more.

    The lettering on the sides is quite faded but there are a few things you can make out.

    I was edging on the side of preservation as it is quite a find. I have been in touch with someone from the 56th FG museum who wanted me to take it to one of their "do's" but it's a long way from here to Norfolk.


    width=640 height=480http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Twadj/2005_0703Bantam0007.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Twadj/2005_0703Bantam0006.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k235/Twadj/2005_0703Bantam0001.jpg[/img]

  11. I have a Bantam Jeep trailer that still has the original markings on it. The trailer belonged to the USAF 56th Fighter Group.

    The question is do I keep it in it's present condition, as, though I use it and it creates great interest at shows, it is in need of some TLC, or do I take loads of photos and then give it a complete makeover. The lettering of the serial number stencilled on the rear is in a style I have not seen on any restored vehicle.

    I ask because as much as I like having this trailer it would be nice to have one that matched the Jeep, perhaps I need to buy another.

    I will attempt to post a picture later but I am not holding my breath.

  12. I remember watching a documentary some years ago which said that Hitler never really had faith in an invasion because he knew they would not get past the Navy. A quick scan on the net reveals a lot of sites saying that a lot of the German heirachy were of the same mind, making this theory old news. It seems to me that someone just wanted their name in the paper and released a controversialy worded theory. Isn't it nice to know that some people have no compunction when it comes to denigrating the young people who died to keep our freedoms.

  13. B****y weather ------ :argh: :argh: Despite the crappy weather on Saturday a few public turned up, Sunday was much better and turned out not too bad. Myself and Mrs Spood made the effort on Sun to go round and thank people for coming and sticking it out and the feedback we got was quite positive so that cheered us up a bit. Most said that on Sat they just locked themselves in their tent and partook in a few drinks :beer:. We had just over 120 vehicles in all and a few living history displays so it wasn't too bad Thanks to the two lads from Kent who travelled a huge distance to take part.

    Thanks go to Big Al for his help over the weekend, we just hope that we fed and watered him enough.

    Let's hope the sky is kinder to us next year.

  14. That's a good point Ghasp, but I suppose as with all things there is another side and there are probably veterans who think you shouldn't be trying to "play soldiers".

    Personally I can see no problem with re-enactors showing an accurate representation of dress, equipment and so on, after all this is what most owners do with their vehicles, showing how it might have looked and how it would have been equipped. What in my view puts a fly in the ointment are the re-enactment groups, and we've probably all seen them, who have a "we won the war aren't we tough" attitude, these are the ones that will tarnish the movement eventually.

    Not being a dresser upper myself this is just my 2 penneth worth as a vehicle owner. I do like to see vehicle owners who make the effort though as it does tend to set the vehicle off nicely.

    There is plenty of room for this branch of the hobby but the time has come to be careful how they/we present themselves/ourselves to an increasingly PC public, do we want history or Hollywood has to be asked.




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