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Posts posted by Hoseman

  1. I came across these two photos on MLU forum. Not sure exactly when these were taken but they look as though they were not taken at the same time due to the amount of water in the cargo area in both pictures. Top of the ramp in photo one proud of the water, in photo 2 level with the water. The pictures were posted in 2011. Unfotunately photo two seems to show her settled completely on the bottom of the dock. In photo one interestingly she is stern down which gives the impression that the flooding had occured in the stern and not the cargo deck, as it is not totally flooded in picture one. There was talk that the rear of the vessel was flooding due to part of the upper structure having been removed allowing water to get in and flood the engine room, or is there something more serious at the stern. Propshaft glands could be to blame for a slow but constant flow of water which would then take its toll. Certainly up until a few years ago she was pumped out on a regular basis which obviously kept her afloat but when that stopped down she went sometime between 2006 and when the photos taken prior to 2011.


    Only a survey by a diver would assertain that it was leaking glands and the removal of some of the upper structure that caused the flooding and not something more serious below the water line. Unfortunately it will be very costly with floating cranes required and a salvage company to do the work. Not sure if the Mersey Docks and Harbour Companies' floating crane GPS Appollo could help as the displacement weight of the vessel is estimated at 640 tons. All food for thought but not sure how amenable Peel would be to such an operation, though it would save them bringing in a company to scrap her.






    Yep, Birkenhead Docks! Thoes are the Liverpool Ferries ("Ferry across the Mersey" etc) in the background.

    Dont think she is there anymore! havent seen her and I go past there all day long. Will have a propper investigate tomorrow if I think on. She is pictured other side of the dock from HMS Plymouth!!!!

  2. I believe you can get one from IKEA but you will be disappointed.

    It's flat packed so it takes ages to get your "perfect life" together only to find something missing.




    Christ mate, only something missing....????

    Sod IKEA, not since they found horse meat in their (very scrumptious!!) meatballs!!

    Im not THAT desperate for a life!!!

    Im sure they had a perfect life on one of thoes `Test Machines` they use to test the life expectancy of furniture in their stores, but I couldnt be arsed waiting that long to see what the outcome was!!!!:nut:

    My missus is the `Test Bed` for my life....She freaked when I told her I wanted a welbike, havent the balls to tell her about the Universal Carrier yet!!!!!!!!!!!!:shocked:



  3. Wish I could have the perfect life.....!!


    Ive been to Aldi but they said they have never stocked them, nor has Lidl.:nut:


    I thought I was on a roll when i went to Marks and Spencers in my bestest cleanish overalls, but they just wouldnt let me in saying I dont deserve it and called me an "OIK" or someting...!!>:(


    Oh well back to the oily dark dingy bits of MY life!!!:cry:

  4. If this is the one I think it is she is well gone!! Used to drive past her all the time semi submerged in the dock and now dissapeared...I THINK!!! Not seen her for a while!! Which side if the water is she on incase Im thinking of another vessel? Liverpool side or Birkenhead?

    I do a lot of work along side HMS Plytmouth too, another Warships leftover, she is out to tender for scrapping tho!!

  5. Bit off Film topic but on Sand topic, I remember years ago someone was selling small jars of sand on Evil Bay from the Normandy Beaches supposidly|||

    Maybe yjey bought the job lot from under the Jeep???:nut:

  6. Are you sure that is French shore? The sea looks way too salty, and that sand has been sprayed the wrong colour. And the sky is not period at all.


    but as he quoted, that was 2004, sand changes, sky changes AND dont forget the poetic license!

  7. Sorry to disagree, not only do I think that Kelly's Heroes is the best war film ever, it's my favourite film of all time. I like its anti-war stance, its humour and the fact that it's just a cowboy film in khaki...


    Hoseman could be joking of course...


    Iv opened a bag of wriggley little critters there......!!!! LOL


    Dont get me wrong, Kellys heroes is absolutely awful film, bad acting (sorry Clint if your reading this...!), Soooomany innacuracies (like my spelling!) and completely unbeleivable.....BUT I got to watch it caus its like that!!


    Its actually one of my fave war films and so iconic!! Probably know it word for word, but what about TOP GUN, weve all seen it and prob liked it and like me watched it over and over again in our youth, quoting phrases and text to anyone who would listen, BUT it is soooo bad and cheesy!!!


    Can anyone tell me where my signature phrase comes from...??? (I know, just testing you lot!!)

  8. im local and see these all the time in Liverpools streets. some call them Wacker Quackers!! they all have duck like names. they got them in Singapore doing same things, thru streets and down rivers even have bullet holes in some!!

  9. Hello,

    Just kidding :-D After a very long day the trucker driver asked me if I thoughT my tank could drive off the trailer so he would not have to unhook the truck. I told him I had never tried that before but I don't see any problem. I drove off just fine. I stopped to take a few photos!




    Im sure a couple of passers buy could help you `BUMP` it back on there.....!!!! Get me coat I think...!!!:nut:

  10. Interesting


    According to the DVLA it is 249cc and Red and still on the road








    The vehicle details for CCA 3 are: [TABLE]


    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableleft]Date of Liability[/TD]

    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableright]07 04 2014[/TD]



    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableleft]Date of First Registration[/TD]

    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableright]15 09 1939[/TD]



    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableleft]Year of Manufacture[/TD]

    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableright]Not Available[/TD]



    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableleft]Cylinder Capacity (cc)[/TD]

    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableright]249cc[/TD]



    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableleft]CO2 Emissions[/TD]

    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableright]Not Available[/TD]



    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableleft]Fuel Type[/TD]

    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableright]PETROL[/TD]



    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableleft]Export Marker[/TD]

    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableright]N[/TD]



    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableleft]Vehicle Status[/TD]

    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableright]Licence Not Due[/TD]



    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableleft]Vehicle Colour[/TD]

    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableright]RED[/TD]



    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableleft]Vehicle Type Approval[/TD]

    [TD=class: vehicledetailstableright]Not Available[/TD]





    Now are we on about the CAR, WOMAN or ARMOUR PLATED BIN????:blush:

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