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Everything posted by Billruston

  1. Hi I'm looking at one that is a field, but in order to get on the Lowloader it needs starting up, and I've never drove or played with one ,it's been standing for a year or so could anyone tell me how to start it up etc are the buggers to get running when they've been stood?, thanks bill.
  2. Any one no he right size?, mines on 10 50 16's which I thinks right, but when I look at OYs in wartime pictures etc they look bigger??. Bill.
  3. When do you think you'll have it finished by Ian?
  4. Any one no who sells them?, usually see the OYs at shows with them, they look really good. bill.
  5. Find me some AA guns john!, great picture!!
  6. Hi all, looking for some for my OY and some indicators if anyone no's the best place to buy then?, regards bill.
  7. It says date of manufacture '1959' does that mean when it was registered?
  8. Log book come yesterday, it says on the tax 'not licenced'? What does that mean?, bill
  9. My bedford oy is going to be painted in sand, could anyone recommend the best place to buy a nice original looking sand colour?, regards bill.
  10. Looking good, brave project. ps, how could it make 2k in scrap?
  11. Look forward to some pics, isit ww2 dated?
  12. Progress has been slow, in one picture the shed the OYs in is nearly finished, once up the work can properly crack on. I also picked the window frames up of someone, there in brilliant condition and thought I was going to have a lot of trouble finding them, the master cylinder is of and ready to be rebuilt, all the brakes have been overhauled new linings etc. ill be looking for hoops & canvas engine block tap, radiator tap. glass and rubbers and a spare wheel and tyre , most of theme spares Pete gain has. Will post more pictures next week. Bill
  13. Spoke to someone earlier and they told me what it is, could anyone put a date on this? Been in the shed for some time.
  14. Would it happen to be the k9 in Yorkshire?, as Richard said there pretty much the same as the cars, if a petrol is hard to get, shove a deasil in her, but if you want to stick to originality it's up to you, there is one on ebay a k9 engine for £550 which is more than what I paid for my whole truck!!.
  15. I got a lot of my spares from champ spares, & banisters, what condition is yours in?, bill.
  16. What's the kit like? Isit big could you get me some pictures?, regards bill.
  17. Yes there was, I was next to them in the Austin k9 truck haha.
  18. Not really enough in it, doesn't really show the whole show etc and half the time all you can hear is the wind. bill.
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