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polecat paul

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Everything posted by polecat paul

  1. Sounds good how did you get into that then? :shock:
  2. polecat paul


    Come on chaps bit quiet on here today
  3. Two men were boasting to each other about their old army days. "why, my outfit was so well drilled," declared one, "that when they presented arms all you could hear was slap,slap,click." "very good." conceded the other,"but when my company presented arms you'd just hear slap,slap,jingle." "What was the jingle?" asked the first. "Oh," replied the other offhand, "just our medals!"
  4. Thats a mighty good idea for a Landrover section i,ll help in any way i can
  5. Did anyone see the program on itv1 last night about the ira punishment beating squads it was on about midnight it was quite an eye opener really :shock:
  6. So do you spray or brush paint your mv personally i prefer the spray effect
  7. Thanks Karoshi and yes your right on that one the British dpm has basically stayed the same for 40 odd years only the shades of colours used have really changed, the only real change was the desert issue which was changed in the first Gulf war from a 4 colour to two and that was because the Iraq army had purchased the same material that the British had prior to that! and so the mod did,nt want our boys looking the same as the enemy,personally the new 95 pattern must be the least wearing of all the uniforms issued as well but i suppose all the budget cuts havent helped
  8. A warm welcome to you have a seat and pass the biscuits
  9. My military reg number is 00EA89 so very close
  10. Right i'll start of then i would want a bv206 snow cat (sorry not very exciting but would love one)
  11. Hello all, my subject is uniforms and vehicles of the 80's and 90's so fire away
  12. They look like aircrew trousers but not 100% on that
  13. If money was no object what mv would you have?
  14. we should all make ourselves known to each other down there coffee,chinwag put names to faces maybe say a time at the catering section,i came up with the idea of maybe handing out flyers advertising the web site?
  15. Did i hear a mention of ferrets?....yes i have one of those delightfull vehices it is a mk1/2 in cyprus markings and is dated 1962 the only problem is the fluid flywheel seal has gone and i was waiting until i came back off holiday to do it so must get started this weekend
  16. Right then who's going to this i think that it's around the 20th november but not 100%
  17. Hello to all new people that have joined in the last 2 weeks i,ve been away and have only just come back from sunny,rainy,foggy Canada as i've said before the more people that finds this site the better for everyone
  18. Hi Ian, the trousers that you are talking about are commonly known as '66 pattern' and were used in the Falklands war campaign and i have a pair myself and i must say there the best camo trousers i've had ,i take it you have tried all your local army surplus places? i'm off down to Malvern at the end of nov so i'll keep my eyes oppen for you.
  19. Well the time has come and i'll be back on here in a fornights time so keep it busy
  20. count me in if you need help on 80's uniforms ,vehicles
  21. i think that they are a bit disorganised they wanted to run the weekend along side war wheels but i don't think the shropshire mvt were to enthusiastic about that so i think it's a case of blind leading the blind i hear you maybe off down to maes artro on or around the 8th
  22. We land in Halifax Nova scotia then drive up to the cabot trail to stay for a week then onto Toronto for a week
  23. I've just managed to purchase a GMC 5.7 V8 DIESEL ENGINE so watch this space
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