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Posts posted by kpu121265

  1. Following Steve's comments on another photograph i posted which he has already seen (i will find one eventually even if i have to resort to my holiday snaps), but mentioning operation Epsom, i have some paperwork for Epsom and Bluecoat somewhere in the archive. Looking for it, i found some of the Goodwood material that i have, and thought some of it might be of interest. If you are interested, see below for extracts from the documents. There is much more, and the good14.pdf one is hand written by Dempsey and signed by him (copy 1).....

    Again, i am sorry, some of them are .pdfs due to the size, but if you are interested in Goodwood and contempary reports, it is worth a click to see.....


    - click here


    - click here


    - click here





    - click here




    - click here














  2. I have a lot of these Daily Intelligence Summary reports (British), from June '44 and in to '45. Irritatingly the early June ones are missing, however, they have some fascinating stuff in them, reports of interrogations with German POWs, a translation of one of Rommels pay slips, allied research on newly captured German weapons (including new tanks and assault guns, requests for specific pieces of (German) equipment to be located for research etc etc ect - as well as a daily summary of action. I will scan them all eventually, but attached are a couple of pages i have been using to test the catalogue out.

    I can only make them legible as .pdfs so i'm sorry, you have to click on the links below - until i work out a way around it....








  3. I have a D2 which is finally on it's way into the restoration shed. It is covered in OD, and appears to have always been OD (but that is not so say that it has not been through a comprehensive strip and rebuild during it's life)...


    Does anyone have any images of the data plate (which mine is missing) and a clue as to where it would have been fitted? I bought this thing primarily because it was cheap and looks useful for shunting stuff around - if it turns out to be military that would be a bonus.


    Adrian, do you have any info on the serial numbers assigned to military D2s in the same way that "2T serial numbers were all military as were some of the preceding model with a 7J serial like mine. " refers to D4s?




  4. How about if the Sherman had a full crew and they all had been eating beans for a week before.:red:


    Probably just enough to get it to 'fire'......

  5. Now there is a thought. How many beans would you have to eat to be self sufficient fuel wise for say a 40 mile commute? Perhaps a test to be done with a nissan micra rather than the sherman......


  6. "some vehicle owners may feel shy or unwilling to allow a stranger inside their pride and joys" - not me, all sorts of people drive and have driven my vehicles. One of the reasons i have them is so that people see them, feel them, smell them - hence in part the school visits we do. You are welcome to the shed (Leeds way) any time, in fact, you are welcome to both sheds but that will take some coordination.



  7. Ah, i recognise that round.

    Adrian, i picked it up a long time ago and never investigated the markings - never thought to.

    The cartridge case is 105mm and war time dated, how should it be marked? I was like that when i got it.

    Also, did you get my PM about turret baskets?

    That round did however set me on the trail of discovering just how many different types of crate the 105mm wartime rounds came in.......



  8. Only on my experience, Charles (Haigh) at Cramscene Topcliffe Grange Farm Shop Dewsbury Road Tingley Wakefield West Yorkshire WF3 1SH Tel: 0113 2537 823, e-mail cramsceneltd (at) btconnect.com, http://www.cramscene.com have always been very helpful and i have found very reasonable when i have had to trailer any of my stuff around.

    They have some heavy weight lifting gear (used to lifting boats in and out of water amongst other things). If you do speak to him, tell him Ken recommended them - it might help and shouldn't do any harm.....



  9. Thanks for the info Danny, yes seen the link.

    I have what appears to be the remains of three of the original parts kits, so have plenty of valves, brushes, fuses, 2 fan belts and hoses - but the headgaskets, dynamo drive belts and rotors arms were mysteriously missing.

    I got two of the manuals, and three of the A3 sized wiring diagrams for it....

    I had seen that link, but rather twice than not at all so thankyou.

    Do you use yours?

    I did just pass that headgasket on e-bay, but as i don't have a pressing need for one, stalled at the price of it, and never restarted myself.....



  10. Mon plaisir.

    The idea is to actually use this at the shows we attend, one to provide electric light (what - well electric light with a period generater using 110v and as close as i can source the original festoon strings anyway), and secondly to power the 110v US 8mm film projector i have to show someofthe multiple copy period news reel films i have.....

    I am no photographer... The unit is actually in very very good condition, i don't think it's ever done much. The float however doesn't, at least not very well... It does run, i've powered a light bulb from it - big piece of kit for one bulb but i have bigger plans..... The wheels are nothing to do with it, it will be mounted in the Ben Hur trailer on the skids it had originally - and can always be lifted out by the DT as/when necessary. I could not get a good shot of the data plate, but it was manufactured in 1941, by Hobart, who still make catering equipment today (amongst lots of other things probably as well).....













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