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Posts posted by kpu121265

  1. Does anyone know of any leads on any engine parts for the above?

    It is fitted with the Schebler TCX-39 carb and the Hercules ZXB engine (four cyl side valve), i have had in running, (and so far can confirm it is powerful enough to light at least one light bulb - i expect more) but would like to get it right as i intend to use it to provide power at the some of the shows we attend.

    So far i've drawn a blank and am looking for rotor arm, carb gasket/rebuild kit, dynamo drive belt, head gasket and especially a replacement float for the carb.



  2. Thankyou very much Clive.

    These are no use to me, i'm WW2 US, they came with a 'load' of other stuff.

    Is there a market for such things, are any of these trailers still out 'there'?

    I can always use the canvas material to repair or make other things, butit would seem a shame to cut up NOS curtains if someone might be using the trailers they were made for.


  3. Ah, if only i could find a way to make them keep themselves - bit like teenagers!

    I have mused on the idea of a travelling museum, given that we cart a load of kit around with us anyway (about 10% of what i have, i need more trucks and drivers).

    I think if we had a museum, all we would do is spend even more time standing around and drinking tea... However our door is always open, either at the workshop or the warehouse - well, always open by prior arrangement....



  4. Thankyou for that. I should have been clearer with the question. I am aware of the practice of marking 'kit' in such a way, i have two kits bags in the collection with two or three coloured stripes on them. What i was really was looking for (and didn't ask the question) is, does anyone know which unit(s) are identified by pale blue over almost bronze green?



  5. As we are starting to sort stuff out for this season, and new on the agenda is pressing the generator, 8mm news reel film and projector into service in one of the bigs tents, i have finally got round to opening out the British army marquee i have had about for a while. It needs a few repairs, but for 70 year old dated canvas it's in good condition (just need to source some replacement poles). Checking it over i found the attached marking on the outer side of one of the roof sections. I have seen similar markings on kits bags being loaded prior to the Normandy landings. Does anyone out there know what it means? It is a pale blue strip over a green stripe. The stripes are probably 2" high and about 10" long.




  6. Gary, good to hear that you got home safely. 29 hours for 1000 miles seems pretty good to me, i spent 23 hours a few ago on a return trip to Maidstone to collect a WW2 Brisith army marquee which was about a 440 mile round trip in the Landrover! Having said that, the weather was atrocious.....


  7. J'aime les Francais, toujours les plaisanteries...

    Looks like a picture of seats, a dynamo and some 'otherbits' to me mon ami.....

    I do need the oil reservoir as fitted to a sherman with a radial engine, and all the linkage from the clutch pedal (i have the pedal but nothing else) all the way to the clutch release bearing (i have the bearing but nothing in between).

    I can at last see some daylight at the end of the sherman rebuilding tunnel.



  8. It has run, seen some video of it being test run after the rebuild. It has only just arrived in the workshop though and i am fighting the temptation to fire her up just yet.... Still need the engine oil reservoir/tank - i am disciplining myself to get ALL the parts first......


  9. Thanks Eddy. The NOS prop shaft is winging it's way to containerville in the States for me, so will be in the next container - hopefully at last loading around the end of the Feb. The stumbling block is the firewall, but i just need to get myself applied to the challenge and stop taling about it. It might be parked up behind the cromwell, attached by a chain.......

    It is nonetheless quite a moment to know that i can almost touch all the bits to allow us to get steam up so to speak - that's actually not quite true, i still need an oil reservoir and the clutch linkage from the pedal to the release bearing (everything in between)..... Although i suppose that would not preclude us getting steam up, but would make it very difficult to do anything useful with said steam.....


  10. More news, the engine has finally arrived. I finally have within my grasp, all the bits we need to get her moving under her own power, although that requires a trip to Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Italy to collect them all. Time to get on with the firewall.....


  11. Great news on your engine mon ami.

    Our engine is finally on it's way to us after about 6 months - just need the firewall and the rest of the interior now...

    If you have a spare final drive flange - the one which bolts on to the gearbox end of the prop shaft, and a spare first motion shaft let me know.

    Progress is progress.....



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