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Posts posted by guykay

  1. The master cylinder (mc) fitted to my lightweight is shown below

    On close examination the paint on the servo has bubbled somewhat and it is quite damp. I think I'd put this down to the usual combination of damp & rust that permeates the rest if the vehicle.

    can you identify the mc from the photo? Is it likely to be recoverable with an overhaul kit, or should I cough up for a new one ( are they available)

    Also as you can see. the vacuum switch is not connected to anything & the lugs have broken off. At the risk of sounding stupid, is this important, or just an indication if some sort?


  2. If the flexible brake pipes were ballooning, would the peddle just be spongy rather than initially hard and then slowly settling to the bottom of its travel? I think that the master cylinder passing fluid is a possibility. Can the master cylinder be rebuilt? And if so does anyone know the part number(s) for the rebuild kit?

  3. From personal experience I can tell you that the winch assembly is a right bugger to work on. The gearbox ( and in fact most of the winch assembly) that sits between the cone clutch & the hydraulic pump has little or no information available. It has a little dipstick, but I can find no information on oil quantity or spec. The cone clutch can be adjusted by removing a little locking plate and rotating the locking nut as required. Don't be tempted to take of the clutch assembly & weld strips of metal onto the cone as a previous owner of my vehicle had done. The drain for this box lies under the cone clutch assembly, no where near where you would expect it. I can not for the life of me get the fast payout switch to do anything, nor can I find any information on it. That said, when the winch is working it is a good bit of kit

  4. I know this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find a solution to my problem, so here goes:

    my lightweight brakes work fine when I first press the brake pedal, even locking up the wheels. But if I keep pressure on the brake pedals it slowly goes down until it is fully depressed. Releasing the pedal & then pressing again the pedal is at first firm & then again starts to go down. I have replaced all fluid in the system & bled it thoroughly. There are no obvious elks anywhere & the fluid level in the master cylinder stays at the full level. I am inclined to think it might be a leak on the vacuum side of the servo. Is this likely?

  5. Congrats on the new toy. Grinding noises when moving from forward to reverse are not uncommon. I have read here that the lever on top of the gearbox that the pushrod in the driving compartment operates can get stiff. This can be helped with a bit of WD40 or similar penetrating oil. Also I have read that mometary blipping the engine on/off switch while applying a bit of pressure in the desired direction. Will do the trick

  6. Problem solved

    The drain plug for the gearbox had been sealed with what looked to be a rubber O ring & had perished allowing the plug to come loose. I think it should be a dowty seal. The winch gearbox is a weird set up tho, the gearbox is after the cone clutch, but the oil drain is below the trunion block that is before the cone clutch. Anyway new seal & hope form the best!!

  7. Hello all

    my Samson has developed an oil leak from the gearbox that sits between the cone clutch behind the engine and the hydraulic pump anyone ever taken one of these out, they're a bit buried is its hard to see where the leak is coming from. There is very little detail in can find in any of the manuals regarding this part of the vehicle. I can't even find our what sort of oil to put in it. I'm guessing 20/50. There is a little dipstick to check the level. Any help appreciated

  8. Thought I'd send in a few more photos of Sammy on duty at our Barry occupying the kids (and occasional drunken parent)

    He's had a paint job since the last time I photo'd him

    a question for any other Samson owners. As you know you have to draw the cable off the drum when unspooling it ( it doesn't just spool out of the vehicle when you pay out) usually this is fairly easy, but on this occasion it took a fair bit of effort to drag it out. Is there an adjustment on the drum brake? And if so, how do you adjust it?




  9. Yes that sounds exactly like the box in my Samson. How the manufacturers ever persuaded whoever was responsible for buying these vehicles that this was "normal" and acceptable must have sold snow to Eskimos in a previous existence!!

  10. You could be right about the Petlas tyres, although when I ordered them, I think I specified the vehicle weight they were being fitted to. I know it felt rather unsafe as it wallowed about. I would certainly be interested in any new trackgrip tyres that became available. When I first got Ferret some years ago there was talk of the tyre mould being available and that if the tyre manufacturer got a large enough order, they would manufacture a batch. Don't know if that's still the case



  11. I fitted Petlas tyres to my Ferret 2/3 and it wallowed like a pregnant cow. Took them back off & fitted some old original trackgrips. the difference in weight between the new Petlas tyres & the old Trackgrips was unbelievable. The Petlas tyres were probably less than half the weight of the Trackgrips. The side walls of the Trackgrips being massively thicker.

    The Petlas tyres would probably be OK for the mk1 as it is lighter with a lower centre of gravity, but I wouldn't put them on a mk2/3.



  12. And my teachers said I would amount to nothing!!

    if only they could see me now!!


    i have no clue where the photo was taken. It's not as though we do a large number of rallies in her.

    I might email the company & try to find out



  13. Just received August edition on CMV & settled on the throne form I disturbed perusal. As I trolled through I came across an advert for Cherished vehicle Insurance, no need for this I thought as I already have insurance with another provider. My eye was however taken by the handsome photo of the Mk2/3 ferret taking pride of place in the centre of the ad.

    ho hum I thought, someone's put the shovel to good use, much is as have with my own? Ho hum I thought someone's replaced the rear off side bin with a replica item! much as I did after an embarrassing roll over incident (another story) Goodness I thought someone has made up extra long mirror stalks just as I have done. Well I never, it's missing the aerial stowage tube just like mine. Hang on a mo, who's that handsome devil driving it- bugger me it's ME.

    cheeky blighters using my ferrets piccy without my permission, I'm not even insured by them. Can they do that?

    good piccy tho



  14. After the run I mentioned in a previous thread. I left ferret for a few hours & then tried to start her to get home. No chance the motor would fire occasionally & pop & bang but would not run. I tried several times until I have up & called the better half to come down & tow us home. After setting everything up I thought I'd give it one more try & hey presto the bugger fired up straight away. As I've said it was a hot day & we had previously been motoring along. That said the engine idled quite happily until I switched it off.

    I suspect vapour lock in the fuel system, although any other ideas would be welcome. If its vapour lock how can I overcome this in future. Someone has suggested fitting an electrical fuel pump. Is this possible & if do has it been done before & where could I situate the pump?



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  15. Not sure about the tyre circs. Will measure them now you ask, but what is acceptable? I usually try to bounce off the kerbs or similar to prevent wind up as often as poss



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  16. Just been out for a run in ferret. About 20 miles. I felt the bevel boxes either side of my legs & they were quite warm to the touch. I checked the wheel hubs & they were also all warm to the touch, some so warm I could only just hold my hand on them. I checked & topped up all tracta joints & hubs earlier this year & there is negligible leakage from them so I am fairly sure they have oil(EP90) in them.

    My question is is it normal for them to run at this sort of temperature bearing in mind the ambient at the moment(26C)





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