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Posts posted by guykay

  1. Hi all

    just bought a narrow track sankey type trailer to tow behind my GS S3 lightweight landy.

    Its been stored for years in a barn, but is in surprisingly good condition. Amazingly, when hitched up to the landy & plugged in to the trailer socket all the lights worked. What a bonus!!

    Towed it 50 miles home no problems. However, the indicators flash a bit madly when in operation. Is this normal? Or should there be some additional flasher relay fitted? I sort of thought this would be all sorted as the trailer socket was fitted to the landy as standard.

    Also any other issues I should look out for with these trailers?

  2. Anybody out there interested in an old ex military meadows diesel engined gen set. It must be around 70 yrs old, I was offered one yesterday, but it's not really of interest to me. It has been stored indoors for years and used to be used for occasionally powering an industrial unit near me. The unit is now closed & the gen set is now unfortunately being stored outdoors, so I guess will deteriorate fairly rapidly. I don't think the owners want much for it. They just want rid.

    if there is anyone interested let me know & I will put you in touch with them

  3. Most likely cause is a flat spot on your tyre(s). I've had the same issue. It goes away eventually if you keep driving.ideal solution is to keep the vehicle jacked up if you are not going to be using it for a while

  4. That must severely limit the lifting capacity at anything other than over the rear or front of the vehicle.


    I`ve seen photos of mobile cranes & Hiabs that have tipped over with very little load on the hook just because they have slewed the load out to the side of the vehicle without putting out the outriggers either at all or not far enough

  5. As far as I understand it 'lightweight' was something of a misnomer, & in fact the lightweights were actually heavier than a standard 80". It was just that they were capable of being stripped down to the bare essentials and still function which then made them light enough for sir transportation by aircraft of the day.

    I don't really want to put a modern electric winch on the front of the old girl as it would look a bit 'tarty'. Any other suggestions?

  6. Hi, I have an S3 lightweight & am considering fitting a winch on the front. Was this fine in period? And if so what type was used?

    I have seen drum & capstan winches driven by a PTO , and of course there are Lekky ones. But I'd like to fit one that would have been used in period if possible

  7. The washer that you flipped over has a lip on it that is there to support the seal.Does the John Deere seal not require this?

    I have replaced old oil seals in the past & have found that the new seals come with a second 'wiper' ring behind the main sealing ring. This is what prevents fitting of the support washer the correct way. It is usually possible to source the correct 'old style' seal so that the support washer can be fitted the correct way round. Is this seal now not available for the ferret? I only ask as I havd a Mk 2/3 that may well need this type of attention in the next year.

  8. It would be fantastic to see the Vulcan do that, but I guess that's unlikely in light of the recent events at Shoreham. Latest is that the CAA are to rush in new regs re operation of vintage jets in displays. I fear this may herald the end of any jet displays in this country, and also a further tightening of vintage aircraft display regs in general.

  9. How does all this affect deacts? They are about as realistic as you can get externally. It seems ridiculous that it is an offence to make a realistic imitation weapon, when you can get hold of a legal deac no problem. Sury any ner- do- well could happily get hold of a deac & wave it about if they wanted to?

  10. Where would I apply for a duplicate certificate? I am a little wary about stirring up a hornets nest by putting my head over the parapet & getting the authorities involved with the issue. I've been lucky in that I've never been pestered by the old bill regarding the perforated tube sticking out of the ferret turret, but it seems that attitudes may be hardening, and getting the paper work in order would be wise

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