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abn deuce

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Status Updates posted by abn deuce

  1. do you still have the two christmas poems you posted last november ?

    uts christmas day , all is secure and the other A different christmas poem? i tried the search but nothing came up

  2. I took the photo at the portsmouth southsea D-day event in June 1989 . I have posted more photo's from that trip on a thread I think by the same title , I think others had made some comments about it . Thats all I know of it .

  3. Thanks for the reply , The chains I was referring to are the large bicycle type on either side in the front engine bay area . I wish those snowtracs were still being made and sold here as they are more practical than an open snowmobile , I like snow but dont want to be OUT in it lol

  4. I had a couple of questions about the snow trac's , What are the items mounted on the front fenders of the trac's , are they patches for the track? How many people can the trac carry ? Since these units use Volkswagen air cooled engines and I have had a Bug so I know the heat out put isn't great ..... do they add any other heating system as in electric or tap into the engine oil to keep the cab toasty . Is there an automatic oiling system for the drive chains or simply oil before each use ?

  5. found this on youtube and thought you might like the ad info. pages


  6. a site on the web thats pretty complete on the basic's of GMC and other vehicles


  7. a new member who has connections to chieftians at this link


  8. a clip of a very wrong painted Stollie but still nice to see it doing what 6 wheels can do .

  9. have you ever heard of this WWI device ? just found the story and thought you might be interested , seems thay were a failure and all were scraped


  10. correction Tony B.

  11. I have located the posts just took a lot longer than I thought it would , the second was a post by Adrian Barrell http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showpost.php?p=64509&postcount=13

  12. here is the other link no matter the time of year I read this , and of course especially as this time approches it makes the pain and loss for all so much more real http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showpost.php?p=64509&postcount=13

  13. something that was posted last year , there is a second I m still looking for thought you might want to read


  14. Life goes on , CCKW still in the shop , no progress really yet . Fuel still going up here nothing like your costs but a shock to us 3.92 per gal. gas 4.75 pe gal. diesel , locally. Experts say this will e the first Memorial Day holiday may 26 that people will be driving marketly less than some number of years dont recall how many .

  15. ahh while looking for more information I found a wikipedia page with both civilian and military info. thought you might enjoy the reading


  16. a nice shot of the interior of a snowtrac

  17. found this on youtube of course , nice clip of snow tracks doing what they do best , even if you have to hand crank em .

  18. site with postcards and more of the great war period thought you might like to see


  19. a clip of stollies thought you might like

  20. and another short clip

  21. Someone else has a interest in Sisu trucks

  22. I see your in Wales and found this on youtube seems its in your part of the world thought you might be tempted.


  23. found this clip of WWI and thought you might be interested


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