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Simon Daymond

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Posts posted by Simon Daymond

  1. the new toy should make it easier to find you, I'll just ask the locals for directions to the 'madman' :)


    Yes Andy I'll take some pics, but I don't think I'll have a co-pilot this trip out to do any video? Did the MVT mag mention that the militant failed to start after the day of poppy collecting, and had to be jump started by a ferret, which gassed the passers by, the estate agent and the local freezer shop!? It had to squeeze onto the pavement between the shops and the militant to use the inter-vehicle start lead, thanks as ever to John & Dave.

  2. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?88-Uploading-pictures-tutorial.


    basically you create an account (it's free) with an online storage site such as http://photobucket.com/


    upload picture(s) from your computer to your account in photobucket, you then will see 'links' associated with each of your pictures on photobucket. You copy the link entitled 'IMG for bulletin boards & forums', then you paste the link into a new message that you create on here.


    People viewing the message, can see your picture as this forum will automatically link to the picture on the photobucket site.


    Probably made that sound far more complicated than it is, but it's simpler to just have a go.


    People seem to struggle with finding the pictures on their own pc when looking to upload them through photobucket, so perhaps put a sample picture in a folder on your desktop to start, make sure you give it a name so you know it's the correct picture.


    The next problem can be copying the image link and pasting it into a message on here:


    on photobucket above each of your pictures it should say 'edit, share,delete'


    click on 'share', a new window opens,


    then click on 'get link code', then you want this one 'IMG for bulletin boards & forums'


    in the box directly below 'IMG for bulletin boards & forums' is some script, you left click once on this script in the box(which should highlight it blue)


    then right click once (which should open a drop down menu)


    scroll down to 'copy' and left click once,


    then in your new message, on here, right click once (opens a drop down menu),


    scroll down to 'paste' and left click once, it should place the copied text into your message.


    (If when you right click, you can't click on 'paste' because it's greyed out, it might be because you didn't copy the link, if you can't see the word 'paste' at all when you right click, it could be because your cursor isn't in the message you are attempting to compose, (if not, left click anywhere in your new message, you should see the flashing cursor appear, then try to 'paste' again.)



    To test if the picture link works, click on 'preview post' further down the screen next to 'submit post', if successful you should see your picture in the post, if you can't something went wrong. You need all the brackets and other characters that are in the link you are posting, if you miss one, the link won't work.


    This should get you started, it's easier when you know how, but if it doesn't gel make sure you ask, I've found everyone is very helpful on here, there's no such thing as a stupid question.

    I'd be interested in any militant pics you might have? (perhaps paste those first? :) )

    Most time consuming part is uploading them all onto the internet, you can do bulk uploads, but depending on the speed of your internet conection it can take a few minutes. Good luck!

  3. I seem to remember that they were very good at getting someone else to make the tea, they tell me that it stems from a misplaced sense of superiority........... after all it was only Rough Engineering Made Easy. REME:cool2:


    come to think of it.. he was very good at getting me to make the tea, I used to get a row if the cup wasn't full to the top!

  4. The event is staged with all profits going to Help for Heroes.


    I was approached by the organisers of this event, to ask whether any MV owners would like to attend with their vehicles?


    It is held on Sat 11th Sept 2010, there is camping available for those wanting to set up on the Friday night and on the Saturday night as well. There will be security laid on both nights, and most importantly… a beer tent.


    The organiser is expecting helicopters, (I spoke to the organiser today, he was in the middle of having to arrange airspace!), there will be regular soldiers there with some kit, along with ‘Tanktastic’ from Nottingham, http://www.tanktastic.co.uk, there will also be fairground rides if you want a thrill, and a firework display to wrap things up on the Saturday night.


    The organisers are getting good support from the council (hard cash) so it looks like a good event to diary for Sept?


    Events such as these do need support from us, I’ll be going with the militant, if you’re interested the organiser is Steven Hyde 0787 855 0977, or drop me a line 07766 409 281.

  5. thanks Clive, I think it was a case of the people I met getting confused. If the requirement came in after the vehicle was delivered, i.e. 59' then it would explian the later fitted lamp and flimsy bracket and white disc ( it is a bridge plate marker painted white) I cannot see any white or remnants on the diff, and I doubt you could see it anyway from a high vehicle, thanks again, I think you put my question to bed.


    to digress slighlty, why does the Austin above, have the word 'swop' in the window, and for that matter, the serial in the other?

  6. I'm sure I saw a picture of this (or similar gun) in a B&W picture, (on Gibraltar) on another site, I'll see if I can find the link.


    We missed most of the rock, as I didn't realise that most of the roads were one-way, and to get back to the bits at the top, we had to drive off the rock, into the town and back around. We'll go next time :)

  7. get someone to turn the engine by hand, whilst you watch the rockers, you don't have to touch anything. Slack tappets, will just rattle, it's the tight ones you need to watch out for. You'll see the rockers rise then start to fall, there's a slight pause in between, this is when you check them, if you hold the rocker arm you should be able to 'rock' it up and down by hand. Use a piece of chalk or similar, to mark the ones you've checked. Unless you find something really wrong, I wouldn't be attempting to adjust anything just yet, until you're more confident that you know what you're doing :)


    Good luck

  8. firstly, you were right to replace the hoses, so don't be kicking yourself, I replaced all my militant hoses, and sod's law was that all the hard to reach ones were better than I'd expected, but they're done now.


    Looking at your pics, it seems that the hoses were fitted with parts removed, particularly that bottom hose - the gaps are so close you'd not get a hose on any other way I doubt?


    If it were me, I'd be looking at removing parts fitting the hose and then rebuilding, but then again I'm no expert and have no experience of ferrets.

  9. Hi there, did you check that the cylnder head was flat? It might be that if it's uneven, there's your problem?


    For your pictures, I created an account on http://photobucket.com/ here you upload your pictures, then below each one there will be a link, you copy the lnks into your messages that you type on here. If you want to check that it's working, preview your post before you submit it.

  10. The tractors for ALL equipment in a LtAD gun-sub was the Leyland Martian. Each battery also had a Radar Set No4 Mk7 towed by an AEC Militant. 22 LtAD Regt originally had AEC Matadors for the gun-tractor role in 1960 before moving to BAOR, where they received the Leylands. They first got the FCE7 when at Gutersloh (Mansergh Barracks) The nickname for the FCE7 Yellow Fever was "Noddy Box".


    My militant served with the 22LtAD, I don't have the B service card to hand, but I remember that was the only Regt shown on it, i think it was in the early 1960's.

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