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Posts posted by N.O.S.

  1. I refer you to Snapper's statement (Re: Budge Up, Aug 21st) which suggested that all newcomers were given cleaning duties.


    I had noticed that since I was put washroom duty nobody else had been given it, so I was stuck with it 'till I had enough and threw the mop out of my pram. Only THEN did he allocate the task to a new member.


    Not that I want to make this official or anything, I'm just saying, you know.... oh crickey......... :shake:



  2. Dakman - so it was you who put those stonking great wheel ruts in the newly-laid clubhouse parking area..........


    A good friend has just acquired a Detroit-powered Diamond T, guessing it must be your old lady - auto box and power steering?. Looks a superb conversion, and sounds so appropriate to the truck - bit like a Sherman tank!!




  3. Hey guys, the point about spares after MOD gets out of Bedfords, is that I got the "distinct impression" that it is only the MOD job which keeps the spares operation afloat.


    As Simon says, breakers yards are a good source and there are still loads of old trucks about for breaking. I thought 330 engine bits were ok, those for the 500 ™ are becoming very difficult.


    The company which owns the rights to drawings (intellectual property rights) reckons the spares business is likely to change radically post MOD, hence the importance of dealers like Ditton Service Station and other dedicated companies who make great efforts to source components and get bits made., when all other options fail.


    Apparently it is increasingly difficult to find companies prepared to undertake small batch manufacture. Sometimes your order waits until another 49 orders are placed before it is possible to get the part made!


    I use a MJR 4x4, now with Tipping TL cab ('cos of rust and I couldn't afford to spend a day getting to the fan belt!!) and Cummins 6B, for a living, and need a goodly stock of bits around me for comfort - no good waiting 2 weeks or scrambling around the country when a bit goes bang!


    Lets hope the future is better than that suggested, I find it difficult to imagine a world without Bedfords..... :shake:

  4. At the moment Bedford spares availability is pretty good, and at reaonable prices. However -


    I heard from the Bedford Genuine Parts guy at W&P that by 2012 it might be a different story, as all M types will have been withdrawn by then, following roll out of the replacement (MAN?) fleet of trucks.


    Implications are that -


    1) There could well be a large number of Ms for disposal over the next year or so, which should keep prices low.


    2) A very significant chunk of the spares market will be lost, meaning that it will be down to a handful of smaller (but very good) parts suppliers to arrange for manufacture of small batches of parts, which will undoubtedly give rise to problems

  5. Pop,


    Those pics were taken at the George C Marshall wing of the Dutch miliotary museum at Overloon.


    A truly wonderful collection of vehicles, displayed in some great cameos like this airportable. Not just WW2 stuff, a fair smattering of PW too, including some British and Eastern Block.


    Was there a few weeks back, would post some pics but they did not come out that well, and I felt it would spoil the delightful surprise for anyone planning to visit.


    All I will say is - GO NOW! :tongue:

  6. :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake:

  7. The postie delivered my copy this morning :tongue:


    A very good mix of photos of both wartime and restored vehicles, particularly German/Italian, and informative text.


    There will be several forum members' vehicles in here for sure, sorry but only ones I recognise so far are Tony Corbin's Ford GTBs and a very complimentary shot of Markheliops's WLF in 'yellow extremity' days.... :shake:


    Highly recommended. So much for grass cutting today.....

  8. Don't know if it was the same guy, but some years back I watched a tv documentary showing a whacko trying to prove, by chemical analysis of residue from a concentration camp gas chamber lining, that it never happened. At the time I just thought it was sad, thinking about it now I cannot believe a major tv channel would ever screen anything so offensive to so many.


    We are our own worst enemy...........

  9. Well, the bores are very large, but is a McLaren 2 cylinder 44hp 1940's diesel. It was running until 20 years ago when parked up. Lots of moisture down exhaust but not a lot of water.


    Followed Lee's link to the last thread on it - looks like my pal Brian was right after all!

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