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Richard Farrant

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Posts posted by Richard Farrant

  1. hi richard thanks for the reply. i'm not really having any trouble it's just that i don't know what the safe procedure is for lifting when the boom is over the side. i don't want to tip it over !


    Hi Rick,

    I take it there is no safe load indicator then? There should be a plate showing loads at various jib lengths and Over Front or Over Side. Obviously a lower safe load when working away from Over Front position. I f you ever need more height there is another extension, but a pin has to be removed from the ram an extension pushed out, This still allows normal extension to function but increases length of main jib. Least that was how the army ones I knew worked. The over side locking rams should automatically come in the jib is slewed away from over front. Have a look at the rear axle to locate them.

  2. Hi folks,


    I'm in need of some big end bearings for my QL (28hp) engine. I need 0.20 u/s, part number 1046779.


    I already have 10 nos so need two more but would consider buying a full set.





    Try Norman Aish at Bygone Bedford Bits


    richard you are a mine of knowledge !

    but do you have any info on how to work the sodding thing :) i am winging it at the mo and the potential for disaster is quite high :) a manual or a link to where i could purchase one would be great


    Bearing in mind it could be about 25 years since I worked on one of those, the jib is puzzling me because the safe load indicator box is not on it, I am wondering if someone has removed it or its a different system. I remember there were automatic axle locks for slewing as the rear axle is a pivoting type and as you slew from over front the jacks push down on the axle to stabilise it. What troubles are you having?

  4. just bought it and don't know how i managed without for so long. it's ex mod as well, there's blue grey paint under the yellow so i assume it was RAF or navy


    Army and RAF definitely had them as I used to do repairs and SWL tests on them.

  5. I think most of the prices reached were crazy. Especially for some of the enamelled signs!



    Hi Terry,

    Auction fever! People must beat the other person no matter what. That is why these prices should not be looked at as current values of items.

    I heard yesterday of a heavy haulage business which had a closing down auction and things like chains and tighteners were selling at more than list price, crazy.


    cheers Richard

  6. Just to let you know, the FWD Model B 1917 truck in the Cowra museum auction sold at $75,000AUS at the weekend. It has gone to a good home, the National Road Transport Hall of Fame in Alice Springs, who are setting up a military section of their museum and also purchased other military trucks at the auction.


    regards, Richard

  7. Hi, I just opened a box in the workshop that held a new dizzy, but can't be sure what vehicle it's for.


    Its a six cylinder and the numbers on the body are


    Model UBCH6A 40448A


    TYPE DS35 256


    Can anyone shed any light on what vehicle its for, was hoping for one for my Dingo but now not so sure.


    I will be grateful for any answers.




    I think there is an error in the model, are you sure the first letter is U ? I think it should be D. This is not a Dingo distributor, but have a feeling it is for a 1950's Commer, but cannot confirm as yet.

  8. Hi All ..Long shot here but someone told me there was a guy with a Bedford MW called " Nobby" at W and P show who does canvas work. Anyone know who he is and contact details please? Thanks Andy


    There is a guy called Noddy with a Bedford OX who does canvas work down this way, could this be who you are seeking?

  9. Dear Sirs. I am about to build the sister kit to the one you were sent, I am making the Wireless / Radio truck, as you have found out there about 19 parts to the engine, which will I think (unless you know better than me) is a shame as an item in such detail is hidden under the grill and engine cover inside the cab, I am wondering how to display the engine in detail, any ideas I was thinking of having the grill off but this would just show the radiator, do any of you guys have any suggestions please, I need the info very soon as I am displaying this model at Gaydon model Truck show in June 2017 & have only 2 months to build the model. Looking forward to hearing from someone.Thanks in advance


    The early QL engine cover was one piece and required the removal of the passenger seat first before the cover could be removed, so you could have the passenger door open with seat on ground along with engine cover. Just an idea.


    regards, Richard

  10. Mine rattles and carries on much like what you described with the transfer case in neutral, it also howls a bit on the overrun. It's probably a bearing that is on its way out, but I've done over 1500km with no real problems, so it can't be too serious.





    Hi Terry,

    Credit to you for driving for something like 500 miles to Corowa last week in your Ferret, especially considering the temperature. Good to catch up with you again.


    cheers Richard

  11. Unfortunately I still have no idea what insignia we are referring to (I can see three on that Saladin in that photo)

    or what any of them actually looked like (re that photo).


    Although, the front fender flash is probably understood at this point.

    So I assume we are talking about the one on the right (of the two on the turret)?

    Since the one on the left looks like it is another Rose.


    I found a website: http://sharpshooters.org.uk/Home/ServingRegiments

    but I don't see anything that matches.

    And modern/current insignia is of no help anyway.


    My only hope is to find original photos (of any UK Saladin)

    where I can see the insignia flash and can then make my own artist's rendition of it.


    The images on the turret, one on left is a circle denoting the squadron and crest to the right is Sharpshooters badge, go to this link and you will see it on the green header:


  12. I'll use this road registration (OOEC87), but i am unsure of the decals/crests that you can see.

    Can anyone identify them?...give the the crests info, or what I need to track down the artwork?


    I've seen the Sword and Crown crest before, but I've forgotten where.

    Second (Turret) decal looks like a Flower Crest (Poppy? Rose?)

    And the third decal almost looks like a Figure?




    This Saladin is from C Squadron (Kent & County of London Yeomanry "Sharpshooters"), Royal Yeomanry, based at Mitcham Road, Croydon. I recognise their crest on the turret. We used to do the repair work on all their vehicles.


    The Westminster Dragoons were HQ Squadron, Royal Yeomanry

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