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Lord Burley

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Posts posted by Lord Burley

  1. Just a side note. It seems that the flow of military landrovers through to cast offs is slowing considerably.A few months back i saw a load of landrovers being loaded up on to transporters outside my local T.A center. I posted on here at the time,and the general opinion was that they were heading for Withams.


    Well roll on a few months,and all have returned bearing new wolf wheels,new GRP hardtops and new paint jobs in the new shade of Nato green. Seems they have all been on a rebuilding mission at Hobsons.

  2. Oh dear - I'm afraid your right! :blush: And I worked for the Blue Oval for 34 years... :blush:

    I got it mixed up with the furore over the marketing for the S Type - those wonderfully intelligent chaps in marketing dept decided to announce to the world that the S Type used Ford components - and not the other way around.....

    The S type is based on a Lincoln platform.
  3. This is what I have been told from other members of their unit who were later shown the full unedited version of the film taken, anyone who knows or has seen it will know "nuff said".

    This film was later used to show new arrivals what could happen and so they would know when their life was at risk!

    There was also speculation on the mag falling out of one of the brownings, they were extended capacity mags.

    Very sad and quite shocking what humans can do to others.

    I can only comment on what ive seen. Most of what was shot on the ground. And only part from the helitele. It seemed like L/Cpl Woods was the only one to draw his weapon and discharge it. From footage taken.L/Cpl Howes remains in his seat trying to fend of his attackers until they were both dragged from the car.


    On a side note. Ive first hand personnel experiance of mob mentality and what can happen in situations like that.During the 1981 Brixton Riots, rioting had not long erupted when a transit van filled with young coppers entered the coldharbour lane area and straight in to a mob of 2-300 rioters.The van was quickly surrounded with a hate filled mob that were pulling at every door and smashing every window trying to get at the officers inside. The look of fear on the officers faces inside remained with me for quite a while. I have no doubt that if any had been dragged out they would have been killed.The hatred was that intense.(There were lots of calls for a babylons(Police)Head.


    Only two things saved them that afternoon. The Transit they were travelling in was not the regular police type. But the green ones they used to transport low risk offenders to court and was fitted with bars along the windows. This prevented them being dragged from the van. The other was the experiance of a Sgt within the van who was able to make the fear stricken driver reverse enough so they could de-buss quickly and run away. The van was soon consumed in a cocktail of petrol bombs.


    Contrary to what was reported later at Broadwater farm that it was the first place in the UK where armed officers were deployed in a time of civil unrest,then thats misinformation. Because they were actually deployed 4 years before hand at Brixton. I saw many plain clothes officers during the early hours over that long weekend openly with No 4 Lee Endfields with telescopic sights and some with .38 SW,s.


    Sorry for the thread diversion.

  4. Thanks for the in depth info. I was always of the opinion that they didn't stray in to it. But had actually gone to have a closer look at what was going on,and events soon consumed them. A very tragic end.


    I feel that if the two had actually been SAS then the outcome would have been so different. Rather than warning shots being fired. A determined effort would have been made to get out of there at all costs,slotting a few on the way.

  5. I don't know the ins and outs of operational tours of NI at the time. But if i remember rightly,they had finished duty and were travelling back to barracks in civvy clothes and driving a civvy VW Passat when they strayed in to the IRA funeral.


    They actually thought at the time that they had caputred two members of the SAS. You could quite clearly hear the mob shouting they were SAS as they dragged them from the car. I thought whilst on duty no regular units wore civvy clothes and travelled in civilian cars apart from SF units??.


    My cousin did two tours of NI in the early 90,s. Both in Armagh. At no point did he ever wear civvys or travel in civvy cars between travelling to o.p. points or general dutys.Nearly all the movements he done were by choppers to the Sangers over looking the border. Always willing to learn of other ex-service personnels experiance.

  6. Wasn't it normally the policy for every serving soldier in N.I to be issued with personel weapons while off duty as well??. I point to the case of the tragic murders of L/CPL,s David Howes and Derek Woods of the Royal Signals who were off duty and and strayed in to an IRA funeral in 1987. Both were armed with Browning 9mm,s.

  7. Pardon the pun.But the show as had a fair few knockers in the last few posts.To be honest i have been to shows a hell of a lot worse than this.Infact some ive been to,ive barely stayed 10 minutes before leaving.


    Lets be fair. First time at a new venue.And as Lee Enfield said Mark and the team had to dive through hoops to appease the H+S brigade.Also i think the unpredictable weather helped in detemining the turnout.But i actually thought there was more MOP here than at the last two Faversham shows.


    As as also been said.i do think its a tall order to put on four local shows in a month.Maybe make it a sept fixture??.I'm sure the events team read these pages.And comments taken on board.

  8. But it's not really is it? If you underneath it's actually a Ford Mondeo!

    If you buy a diesel one you can look forward to replacing expensive injectors at regular intervals.

    But they drive nothing like a Mondeo. They are in fact a lot better.
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