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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. I'm in total agreement Baz.


    I don't for one minute have an issue with anyone driving a 43 series vehicle around the streets.


    People who know me know I have owned a couple of these machines and I too, like many others have driven to shows.


    On one occasion a pub when attending a show with other MV owners in the rear. (I didn't drink).


    I do however, have a concern when I see an Abbott travelling the streets of London, past the house of Law Makers, showing a total disregard for their own and others safety.


    I'm all for enjoying our vehicles but I do feel maybe we should attempt to regulate our own hobby before regulation is forced upon us after PR stunts like Tank Tours!!!



  2. No matter what anyone of us says, there will always be a number of people who do it their way. there can be limited harm, just because he is publicizing his business. Its not the MV hobby he is a Business.


    Business use or Private Paulob1 -


    My thoughts are it is not wise to drive around the center of London, advertising, in a vehicle that should not even be on the road!


    The business side of things will continue until someone in authority decides vehicles such as these should not be driving around the streets.


    We will all be subjected to increased regulations and possible a total ban on using them in public areas.


    A slippery slope I think.



  3. Hi all


    I came across this on Facebook, courtesy of the Daily Mail.




    Is it just me or does anyone else thing this is extremely bad for the hobby?


    I am thinking the less we owners of armoured vehicles advertise the fact that "Joe-Public" can purchase such pieces of hardware and drive them around the streets, the more likely we are to be able to exercise such a privilege.


    You'll notice I am steering away from the "legalities" of driving 43 series vehicles on the road as we have been there many times and we all know the arguments.


    I don't know - maybe I'm getting grumpy in my old age but stuff like this makes me nervous.



  4. Out of interest and the fact you are singing the praises of Autohome why are you not with them now ?

    Not a loaded question just interested.


    I was a member with Autohome for around 4 years whilst I drove my Ward LaFrance and living van to various shows.


    For the last few years I have been using my S26 unit and low loader carrying the Chieftain ARRV. Gross train weight 82 tonnes. Autohome are pretty good - but not that good!


    If I came a cropper with that outfit A Long Recovery is on my speed dial!


    If I were still driving the Ward to shows, I'd still be with Autohome.


    As said, I've never had any issue with Autohome and I think they are good value for money!



  5. I have always used Autohome and can only report their service as excellent.


    I blew an engine on the Ward La France pulling the Love Trailer and they came out, hitched me up and took me home without any extra charges.


    Twice as it happens.


    Failing that, I know some heavy owners use RAC Commercial as a cover.


    Paid by the hour but at least you know you won't be left at the side of the road.


    What's your recovery firm Paulob1 - I'll stick in my phone just in case as I'm not with Autohome anymore.





  6. War and peace turns over a huge amount of profit, although it must be very stressful organising it, but some one with a big pocket will jump on the opitunity and will run it again no doubt, I hope so any way, it's are holiday look so forward every year, there is just not a show like it, Bill.


    I don't think War and Peace turns over as much as you think Bill!


    If it did, there would be a huge queue to take it on.


    The trouble is people THINK it makes a huge profit and that's why people get snotty about the facilities.

  7. A great shame, but Rex and his team deserve our huge thanks for what they have offered the hobby in terms of scale and quality of shows and the ability for green enthusiasts to meet year on year, most of whom now consider it a pilgrimage !

    To find a character of equal enthusiasm, eccentricity , MV passion, worldwide contacts, and possibly above all able to fund the financial risk will be a hard task to follow.


    Here here John.


    I know some grumble about the show but I LOVE it................


    If War and Peace doesn't rise from the ashes, I feel the hobby in general will lose out in a big way.

  8. I'm sure it will survive probably back where it used to be, although it would be great if it was somewhere central to make it less of a trip for those up North :D


    I'm all in favour for it going back to the Hop Farm.


    It's not a rumour - Rex has announced the last show on U-Tube.


    I know people are calling for a central location but I would guess nearly 50% of the exhibitors are from overseas so a central location wouldn't really work.


    I say return to the Hop farm if the show is to continue to be a success.

  9. Mark I have recently bought the kit valve connecter etc. That charges the brakes and gun from a nitrogen bottle. I haven't tries it yet and don't know if it is all there.


    I have the charging lead to charge the brake system but I still can't find any valve to pressurise the main weapon.


    Terry - have you got a picture of this valve?


    I know the CVRT Scorpion has one but can't find it on the Chieftain.

  10. The RLC MUSEUM does hold records for the HAGGLUNDS if fact my list says it holds yours its date in service is in the financial year 85/86 l would still go for a freedom of information request and save your self 35 pounds


    Thanks for the info Wally.


    I have requested FOI and hopefully DVLA will accept the return e-mail as proof of manufacture to enable an age related plate.

  11. Hi guys/ gals.


    Does anyone have the faintest idea who to speak to in regard to Hagglunds BV206.


    For those that don't Hagglunds are now part of BAE Systems but I haven't a clue who to approach there.


    I'd like to register ours but I don't want to end up with a Q Plate.


    The military registration of our vehicle was 70 KD 99 and the vehicle chassis number is AAI 3056.


    Obviously if it were an A vehicle I'd approach Bovington but I don't think they will hold info on the Hagglunds.


    Likewise I don't think RLC records will help as its not a B Vehicle.


    Any ideas????????





  12. Stop running back should be fitted at all times, and indeed the last batch of Chieftains to be released had them welded in place to stop any civvy accidents occuring the same as in service accidents. The recuperator will slowly loose its pressure through lack of use-even if not being fired, the gun should be routinely 'pulled back' to keep cylinder packings and seals supple (ie not leak)

    Use the schrader valve next to the pressure gauge block to pressurise the system

    A word of caution-do not use the powered gun system without a breech block fitted (its such a heavy weight, it cannot compensate without it) and check for creep (correct balance) by powering up the GCE, both metadynes, turn on stab, squeeze clutch release on either controller, and the gun should remain perfectly still (if not trim firstly on the coarse adjustment (screws) then on fine (the golfball knobs) Hope this helps!


    Thanks Terry - I'll have a look for the schrader valve as I can't find it.

  13. What you have said makes sense David.


    I'll have another bash with full gun kit on Stab!


    Something else to bear in mind chaps - you should always have the run back stop fitted when elevating the gun.


    You really wouldn't want to be behind the breech block when it slides back because trust me, you wouldn't be able to stop it!


    In fact, the Chieftain turret is not a place for unfamiliar persons when the powered gun kit is running.


    Stand in the wrong place at the wrong time and you could lose a number of limbs!

  14. I have lost elevation on my gun. I think it could be metedyne related. I believe that when travelling along it is best to put the gun in stab or trav. Is that correct.


    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk


    The manual does also state the gun should be housed in the gun crutch when traveling unless on fire and maneuver so one would assume the gun should be powered up when released from the gun crutch.


    I still cant understand why the gun will not remain at rest and still even with the gun kit powered up?

  15. :D


    Afternoon All !


    Thanks for the nudge Neil - dunno if I'll be of any use but more info is needed :cool2:


    It appears that the recuperator merely keeps the gun fully forward so although there may be an issue with the recuperator it isn't likely to be responsible for the 'bouncing'.


    When does this occur ? Is it all the time or only when the FVGCE is run up ?




    Sorry Bob but I have to disagree.


    I've checked the RAC Chieftain Armament Manual and it states:


    The recoil system consists of two hydraulic buffer cylinders, a replenisher and a hydro-pneumatic recuperator contained in cylinders around the cradle. The function of these components is as follows:


    A) - To hold the gun at the firing position at all angles of elevation.

    B) - To absorb the recoil energy.

    C) - To achieve a fixed length of recoil at all angles of elevation.

    D) - To return the gun to the firing position.


    In my own mind, the gun is bouncing up and down due to it's weight at the block end. Therefore some system must "hold" the gun as in A above.


    The gun moves in relation to the terrain even when the FVGCE is up and running. I can only put this down to there being no pressure in the system as shown on the gauge.


    I'm trying to look at this logically but I could be wrong.


    I'll soon know if I manage to charge the recuperator.



  16. Hi guys.


    I am looking for the procedure to re-charge the recuperator fitted to the Chieftain MBT 120mm weapon.


    I have been scratching my head for months on this one as when the tank is in motion, the weapons barrel moves up and down to the point where it hits the driver on the head!


    The pressure gauge is reading zero when it should be a minimum of 500 lbf/in.


    It is my understanding the recuperator will hold the gun at rest so I need to recharge the system.


    The problem is I have searched through all the manuals and the only thing tank crews can do is check the gauge. Where pressure is down, it states it must be reported to the REME so I am presuming it is an Amourers task to re-charge the system?


    I have found two, what I would class as possible charging points on the recuperator but for the life of me can't see how the charging is done, unless you boys were issued with some type of adapter to complete the job.


    Any advice greatly appreciated.



  17. my collection isn't open to the public yet but I am hoping to have it running in the new year...the cold war museum...


    watch this space...


    This is an interesting question - How does an individual apply for UK Museum Status and what does the procedure entail?


    There are many people who own collections of various things but it can't be a simple as just saying "I'm going to open a Museum"?


    For example I do some work for a Private collector and he has 26 military vehicles but that fact alone doesn't allow him to class his collection as a museum.


    Paulob1 - as you are going to open a Museum what red tape and legal obligations have you had to deal with and are you going to apply for profit status or non profit status? At what point did you had to apply to the UK Museum Directory to apply to join the Museum Directive?


    I'm interested as this is something that may possibly come up in the future.



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