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Posts posted by Chrisg

  1. ball bearing -bevel pinion MT7/1960 (Hoffmann N1090)

    This number refers to a pair of bearings No longer available. Use SKF 7409


    roller bearing-bevelpinion MT7/2974 ( Hoffman R360L)

    SKF number NF312


    bearing worm shaft type LV6/MT7/2017 (Hoffmann No R380L)

    SKF number NF316


    bearing worm shaft type LV6/MT7/1979 (Hoffmann No 580 CDS)

    RHP number QJ416 (this is an odd one and expensive)


    PM if any one needs prices

  2. Relating back you some choice elements of Explorer design I find ludicrous, Andi has just brained herself walking into the lugs that stick down at head height from the underside of the spare wheel carrier. I hope she is Okay, her head really hurts. Who on earth a Scammell thought that was a good design feature?? Scammell 3 out of 10.


    Is Andi ok?

  3. :sweat:carefull guys, all this talk of the old style AWDC,............make's me feel Oooooooooooooooooooooooold.:shake:

    Just how many of us are out there in HMVF land;.....yup, that includes you CW. ......:-D



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