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Posts posted by Chrisg

  1. So I take it you have changed the plugs, points and distributer cap this time then?


    I said all along it was a cracked distributer cap......


    No its run out of petrol:rofl::rofl:

  2. I bought some sausages from Sainsburys's, on the front they had a picture of Jamie Oliver cooking them. On the back it said 'prick with fork' - couldnt argue with that could I?



  3. This is not a statement but fact!


    The best guiter riff ever is Hot Chocolate - Everyone Is A winner.


    The best theme tune ever is - the original music from DR Who.


    Now I have got that of my chest I will get back to work :coffee:



    bout time you did something


  4. Are you bringing the champ? I shall have to tailor lanes to suit.. as im sure brambles and hedges are not high on your list with no roof!

    Of course I'll bring the champ. You're not going to trim the brambles & hedges so I dont scratch the paint? :rofl:

    Never mind if Andy comes he can fend off the undergrowth

  5. Picture yourself gentlemen and ladies......


    You find you have a few spare moments.......you decide to peruse your current reading matter for a while.....


    You sit down......pick up the case containing your reading glasses (which you find you now have to wear) , open the case and find it is empty....


    Much cursing ensues along the usual lines of where the hell have I left them this time......before realisation dawns that they are on your nose and you are actually already wearing them....


    This was me this morning .


    How long to find them?

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