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Posts posted by Chrisg

  1. My personal take on this is that people are so obsessed with cleanliness these days that children are never allowed to build up an immunity to all the germs that are about. My son was exposed to all the germs and dirt on a farm as a baby likewise my granddaughter and neither of them have ever suffered any ill effects.


    I'll agree with all that

  2. Andy, you have reminded me of going on a Scout camp in early Sixties. All the Troop and Leaders travelled in the back of a BMC FG removal van. My eyes were streaming due to diesel fumes by time we got to the New Forest. Cannot see that happening now, even the Army use coaches now, rare to see a 4-tonner full of troops.


    Mrs Chrisg remembers going to North Wales in an old Bedford CA and having to have the doors open to get rid of the oil fumes!

  3. When Jim and I were on our way to Mons a couple of weeks ago and we got to Dover customs. They didn't even ask to see our passports...:???:???


    What is that all about and has the law changed?


    Didn't you have to show it to get out of Dorset? :-D

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