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Panzer nut

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Posts posted by Panzer nut

  1. She is looking a bit shabby compared to when I last saw her mored up at the Warship preservation trust.


    Short sightedness has left her the property of the dock authority, the council allowed her old moorings to be developed into flats. She was given a 6 month temporary mooring something like 500 yards away, but to move the collection would have cost something like £250,000 and another £250,000 6 months later.>:(:mad:


    It consisted of a U boat (Now cut up and on show in a purpose built museum at Albert docks, Liverpool), HMS Plymouth, HMS Onyx (Only deisel powered sub to go to Falklands), A lighthouse ship (Now in Albert Dock), HMS Bronington (HRH Charles first command, wooden deck rotting away, shown in last picture) and teh last remaining LST to take part in the D-Day landings.


    Aparently Albert Docks would not allow Big ships in to be mored overwise I think she would have gone there.


    Onyx has now gone north, I think the LST is to be scraped.:mad:


    Its a shame to loose these ships but with the way of the economy is going at the moment I do ot think we will see them again soon :embarrassed:



  2. A friend of mine did his H test in a Samson on roads, with the instructer in the commanders hatch, he was gone ten minutes and when he came back the instructer was grinning from ear to ear, I beleive the emergency stop was a corker, nose dipped, arse in air moment.


    I used to go out with him as the commander and the amount of people that followed so close that I had to wave them away from the back of the vehicle was unbeleivable. Even had a motorcyle follow us at a about 1m away, could only just see his helmet.




  3. Hey John

    I love your Valentine DD, you let me crawl all over it for my web site one year.

    I better check i have it labeled correctly...lol...don't want to upset you :cool2:


    Its just like your tank, different engine different variant, still it is basically a ordinary valentine if you take the bits off, if you know what I mean.;)



    Ps. I now have a better camera and have you finished the 438 yet?

  4. When I rang mr Dugan I was polite and even explained to him politely whyit was a IHC,what he said next made me responded to him in the same manner. It was a valid question and not a wind up.

    He may have been having a bad day but it still one of those things I remember because I even double checked my pics to be sure my self.


    This is the vehicle I was referring to.


    Then again I had a man at a museum walk though the middle of our roped off display kicking over two radios and asked what he think hes doing, Said its my museum and my stuff I do what the hell I like, I pointed out it was not his stuff he kicked over and went and reported him to the museum staff who informed me it was the curator.




  5. I once contacted the curator of the now defunct Beverly collection in regardes to the M5 based half track they had on display asking if it was origionaly a M14 or a M17 variant. He replied that it was a M3 Halftrack.


    I replied that it was not, that it was defently a IHC due to the mud guards and rear body and asked again what variant it was.


    He replied angrily that it was defently a M3 Halftrack and that he should know because he drove them in the Army.

    I replied that he should look up what he has in the museum as it is a IHC m5 based Halftrack, and put the phone down.:mad:


    Am I expecting too much from people to know what they have on display or is it just me being too finniky?


  6. At nearly all shows now as a result of games such as Call of Duty the Bren is constantly being mistaken for a 'Type 99' by the kids, as featured in a recently Call of Duty game. Quite satisfying correcting them :-D


    YUP! ....lol

    When we get kids near the display we now say "Before you ask , NO its not a type 88, No its not a Sten, No its not a G3, non of these weapons are in Call of Duty or MOH"


  7. Contrary to popular opinion, at least one US unit used IHC halftracks in action in Europe. There was a thread on G503 with pictures, I've had a quick search but can't find it.


    Nobody knows it all......


    Every thing I have read says that the M5 was only used by US forces for training in the states and none were used in action, that that whole production line was for lend lease, so I would be interersted in reading this article or any other that is around just to put me right.



  8. A friend of mine owned a Sabre and one night whilst we were there he was being shown a rifle his cousin had brought round, some local person had spied the gun through the window and called 999.


    The armed response turned up and recconoitered the grounds and upon seeing the Sabre pronounced "FK me! I think we need bigger guns!!!!!"



  9. Some times the coin can be flipped by the public especially me...(Evil SMirk):D:D:nut:


    When owners are trying to fool the public:


    Asked by me: "Why is your M5 in US markings?:angel:"

    If the owner is upfront we end up having a nice conversation, if the owner blaggs me normally the conversation ends up with me replying loudly "No, but if I did own one it will be in the correct markings"


    Upon hearing a US marked M201 jeep owner claim his jeep was used by the Americans during WW2 to another MOP, I asked quicky "I thought your M201 was a post war french made jeep, so shouldn't it realy be in French Post war Markings?:angel:"


    The other MOP waited for the answer as I continued on my way.


    Sorry if you were one of these owners I was lied to by several owners when I was younger and greener in these matters ;)

    Jon :nut:

  10. Using the example above, a educated guess based on other sequencing would be:

    Smock Mans (1968 Pattern)


    Size G1 8405-99-122-6079

    Size G2 8405-99-122-6080

    Size G3 8405-99-122-6081

    Size G4 8405-99-122-6082

    Size G5 8405-99-122-6083

    Size G6 8405-99-122-6084

    Size G7 8405-99-122-6085

    Size G8 8405-99-122-6086

    Size G9 8405-99-122-6087

    Size Special 8405-99-122-6088


    Trousers, Men's (68 Pattern)


    Size G1 8405-99-122-6089

    Size G2 8405-99-122-6090

    Size G3 8405-99-122-6091

    Size G4 8405-99-122-6092

    Size G5 8405-99-122-6093

    Size G6 8405-99-122-6094

    Size G7 8405-99-122-6095

    Size G8 8405-99-122-6096

    Size G9 8405-99-122-6097

    Size Special 8405-99-122-6098

    The Above is assuming there is no Size G0




  11. Hey Roger :cool2:

    No, you are quite rigt to throw a spanner in the works, my example was a Size 2 shirt and I missed one didget out when I typed it and threw myself into a major c. up...lol :nut:


    Thanks for pointing that out. I have now corrected it. Paul was telling me it was you that managed to gat hold of a Size 4?



    Jon :D

  12. Lol I think I am hijacking this thread.


    I will cover Lightweights and Itchy shirts here..lol


    Not sure if they are correct but where it comes to sizing the lightweights, I have been informed there are 17 sizes????

    so taking that into acount and i'm Guessing special sizing still applies


    Trousers, Overall, Green

    8405-99-122-5591 (Size 1) to 122-5607 (Size 17) Special size 122-5608???

    Trousers, Men's, Lightweights

    8405-99-135-6485 (Size 1) to 135-6502 (Size 17) Special Size 122-6503???


    More complicated are the 80's variants, I'll start with the smallest size I have so far seen, there may be smaller.

    Size 72/68/84 8405-99-977-0502 (977-0503 to 977-0506 Unknown sizes?)

    Size 75/76/92 8405-99-977-0507

    Size 75/80/96 8405-99-977-0508 (977-0509 to 977-0511 Unknown sizes?)

    Size 80/80/96 8405-99-977-0512

    Size 80/84/100 8405-99-977-0513

    Size 80/88/104 8405-99-977-0514

    Size 80/92/108 8405-99-977-0515

    Size 80/96/112 8405-99-977-0516

    Size 85/80/96 8405-99-977-0517

    Size 85/84/100 8405-99-977-0518

    Size 85/88/104 8405-99-977-0519

    Size 85/92/108 8405-99-977-0520

    Size 85/96/112 8405-99-977-0521

    Size 85/100/116 8405-99-977-0522

    Size 85/104/120 8405-99-977-0523

    Any Bigger sizes?

    I need to find a sizing list to complete this set of NSN's, If you have sizes not mention please post them, even if you do not have the NSN.


    Itchy Shirts or Hairy Mairy I beleive are only 5 sizes


    Shirt, Man's, Combat

    Size 0 8405-99-132-1807

    Size 1 8405-99-132-1808

    Size 2 8405-99-132-1809

    Size 3 8405-99-132-1810

    Size 4 8405-99-132-1811


    Can any one confirm the above?



  13. Hi

    If you are doing early 1970's you proberly want the "Trousers, Men's, Overalls", these are identical to lightweights except that they have a button up front and the pocket flaps have rounded corners. The next evolution are the "Trousers, Men's, Lightweight" label will say Size 1 etc. These are the most common ones with the map pocket on the left leg and squared off pocket flaps. If the label says Nato sizing in them they are the 80's variant, the difference as far as I can tell is that the pocket stitching on the hip is 1" furthur towards the hips but that may be just a production thing. The last type which were introduced proberly between 1995 and 2000 have no map pocket, so do not buy these.


    Crap hats, I have numerous books with reference pictures in, showing troops wearing them in the field. perhaps by the late 1970's early 1980's troops prefered not to wear them.


    Webbing proberly wants to be 1958 WE Mk 1 for the early 1970's. Main visual difference will be lack of the two little straps on the yolk where the large pack straps pass through plus the water bottle is green and the pouch has a twist fitting instead of a strap to keep it closed. See the webbing book that is on the market.


    Jumper should also more that likely be the 68 pattern jumper that does not have any epaulets.


    hope that helps


  14. I think the NSNs above are correct if any one has a different one, please let me know. It seems to go Smock then trousers.


    Now I am struggling with 85 pattern as I am unsure as to the sizes, does any one have the size tables as I have two different systems to play with. Both smock and trousers are sizes are needed and I suspect tropicals are a differnt breed, so can you guys post the nsns and sizes of as much tropical stuff you have.



  15. Smock, Combat (1960 Pattern)


    Size 1 3931

    Size 2 3932

    Size 3 3933

    Size 4 3934

    Size 5 3935

    Size 6 3936

    Size 7 3937

    Size 8 3938

    Size 9 3939

    Special Measure 3940


    Trousers, Men’s, Combat (1960 Pattern)


    Size 1 3941

    Size 2 3942

    Size 3 3943

    Size 4 3944

    Size 5 3945

    Size 6 3946

    Size 7 3947

    Size 8 3948

    Size 9 3949

    Special Measure 3950



    Smock, Combat (1960 Pattern) {DPM}


    Size 1 7329

    Size 2 7330

    Size 3 7331

    Size 4 7332

    Size 5 7333

    Size 6 7334

    Size 7 7335

    Size 8 7336

    Size 9 7337

    Special Measure 7338


    Trousers, Men’s, Combat (1960 Pattern) {DPM}


    Size 1 7339

    Size 2 7340

    Size 3 7341

    Size 4 7342

    Size 5 7343

    Size 6 7344

    Size 7 7345

    Size 8 7346

    Size 9 7347

    Special Measure 7348

  16. Smock, Combat (1968 Pattern),

    Smock, Combat


    Size 1 6079

    Size 2 6080

    Size 3 6081

    Size 4 6082

    Size 5 6083

    Size 6 6084

    Size 7 6085

    Size 8 6086

    Size 9 6087

    Special Measure 6088



    Size 1 2025

    Size 2 2026

    Size 3 2027

    Size 4 2028

    Size 5 2029

    Size 6 2030

    Size 7 2031

    Size 8 2032

    Size 9 2033

    Special Measure 2034



    Size 1 1821

    Size 2 1822

    Size 3 1823

    Size 4 1824

    Size 5 1825

    Size 6 1826

    Size 7 1827

    Size 8 1828

    Size 9 1829

    Special Measure 1830



    Size 1 1821

    Size 2 1822

    Size 3 1823

    Size 4 1824

    Size 5 1825

    Size 6 1826

    Size 7 1827

    Size 8 1828

    Size 9 1829

    Special Measure 1830



    Trousers, Men’s, Combat (1968 Pattern)

    Trousers, Men’s Combat


    Size 1 6089

    Size 2 6090

    Size 3 6091

    Size 4 6092

    Size 5 6093

    Size 6 6094

    Size 7 6095

    Size 8 6096

    Size 9 6097

    Special Measure 6098



    Size 1 2035

    Size 2 2036

    Size 3 2039

    Size 4 2040

    Size 5 2041

    Size 6 2042

    Size 7 2043

    Size 8 2044

    Size 9 2045

    Special Measure 2046



    Size 1 1831

    Size 2 1832

    Size 3 1833

    Size 4 1834

    Size 5 1835

    Size 6 1836

    Size 7 1837

    Size 8 1838

    Size 9 1839

    Special Measure 1840



    Size 1 1831

    Size 2 1832

    Size 3 1833

    Size 4 1834

    Size 5 1835

    Size 6 1836

    Size 7 1837

    Size 8 1838

    Size 9 1839

    Special Measure 1840

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