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Posts posted by MiketheBike

  1. Dave,


    I am a relative newbie also, but can vouch that they are a friendly bunch, and will make you welcome :-)


    Your first task is, however, to identify mystery object #23, as I do not want to lie awake again tonight, finally to fall asleep and be awoken by a eureka moment at 3am that I had forgotten by the time I woke again at 6am....



  2. Looking at the diagram of the internals, I'm guessing its a two part propellant...one part being held in each end of the cylinder and fed through parts 181 and 207, the other being held in the central tank and fed directly into the pitch, yaw and roill jets?

    There do not appear to be any control equipment, unless the valves (233) are pre-set and self correct the flight, or the controls have been perposely not shown?


    Has anyone been even remotely close to what this is?

  3. Richard,


    I think you are 100% spot on. The tyres were almost flat when I got it (about 6 - 8 psi in all tyres), and one valve had been dragged into the tyre.

    That makes me feel kinda better...in a strange way, at least there may not be anything wrong with the tracking/rolling gear.


    I'd be interested in the toe in, just so I can make sure.





  4. 4 good...6 better?


    Anyhow...maybe something, maybe nothing. I was looking at the tyres, and they are not in great shape...but the front left looks rather odd


    Is this the tyre perishing, or is it scrubbing? The right rear also looks the same (the walls have also gone hard and kinda breaking up a little), and I am pretty sure that one has always been on the rear (looks like the ferret has been parked with the right side exposed to the weather).


    As far as tracking is concerned, are Ferrets set up with neutral tracking (no toe-in)?






  5. Dear Deidre


    My wife just caught me on the forum, and she said "are you on that bl00dy forum again, can't you look at porn like normal blokes"....there is no pleasing some people :?


    How can I make her understand?

  6. ahem......


    A little tip (and I am sure you omitted this by mistake, or did not allow for idiocy)....when driving "fast-ish over sleeping policeman", check the severity of said sleeping policeman beforehand, and lean back away from the hatch if you don't want a rather fetching groove in the top of your head!!! :redfaced:


    Anyhow, need to get a 1 inch socket to check out the flywheel fluid level. Unity Motors up the road here seems to do everything or can order it in, so will order up some ISO10 if needed, but thanks for the offer Fred.



  7. Richard,


    yes, its the same in all gears, but most notable when the revs are high, if I have low revs the engine does not appear to struggle....which makes some sense I guess as I should not have the revs low anyway as the fluid flywheel is not working efficiently at low revs? I am guessing I should be keeping the revs high all the time to avoid cooking the fluid?



  8. Hi Steve,


    as far as I understand, its when you have 4 wheel drive (or 6 wheel in the case of saracens etc) and the transmssion winds up because the drives are effectively locked together without a diff (thats maybe where I am wrong). If you have a slight difference in wheel size, one wheel travels further than another, and binds up the transmission...so one tyre will start scrubbing.



  9. I think I am experiencing transmission wind-up, and would like your opnions and advice.


    After about 20 miles thru the lanes and A roads, my Ferret feel almost like its pulling back under power...like the engine is really struggling....would you say that is wind-up?

    I checked the tyre diameters as suggested in another post, and they are pretty close (within an inch of each other as far as I can make out).


    I know you can relieve this by driving up and down kerbs...alledgedly....but do I need to get a wheel off the ground to relieve it? So the question is...how fast do I drive off a kerb, and how high should that kerb be?

    Could I just use a bottle jack to quickly lift one wheel on each side, or do I need to get each wheel off the ground in turn?





  10. Hi,


    I managed to get the new cylinder installed, but had to disconnect the rod connected to the handbrake lever in order to get the levers into the tappet unit in the drum.

    Then I could not get the rod back onto the handbrake lever without backing the adjustment right off.


    Any tricks to getting the rod back to its original position?


    Also, if the handbrake adjustment is too loose on one wheel, will that affect foot brake travel (I have bled the two rears, but not the fronts yet...just wonedring as I have to pump the brake to get them to work right now.





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