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Posts posted by Johnh

  1. Blimey! I'll fill up my 5 litre can and drive up and sell you some for £100 a litre then if you like!



    Always had problems with decimal points !!! it just gets to you when queuing in endless traffic jams and watch the digital display change from 126.9 to 129.9 in a split second 3p per litre price rise, I've even been back to specsavers !!:shocked:

  2. Well you can have 4x4 and all wheel drive but get it wrong and it can be very painful !!:shocked: can't believe it, went all the way to Howden yesterday drove through blizzards, down to 15mph on M62, drove all the way back got within one mile of home , then spun off the lane in to a dry ditch, amused the rubberneckers whilst hanging in our seatbelts, thank god for the Landrover fraternity ! Ex REME Guy called Tony made very little fuss , couple of d shackles 2 ton strop, 3 mins later back on the lane !!!


    Oh the bruises :cry: anyway now to do battle with the insurance man !!;)


    rant over:embarrassed:

  3. Hi,

    I'm Jon Clark, an ex RAF electrician from Leeds. I also worked at the Vickers factory in Leeds for a time building Challenger 2. I also have a bit of an interest in cold war era combat uniforms so feel free to ask any questions.....................

    Welcome fellow Yorkshireman !;)

  4. Hello all

    My name is James stewart, I am a volunteer over at Bruntingthorp Cold War Jet museum where we have an ever growing collection of all things wonderful in military vehicles and is a fantastic Big Boys Playground. I’m in charge of keeping all canopy’s and any other Perspex free from scratches and removing the cloudiness damage. and keeping the collection maintained.


    I have now perfected the removal of UV Damage to perspex, The industry are saying "Thats impossible" :D

    Hello James !


    do you do master classes in your perspex wizardry ? can I book in now ??:cool2: or if you want to we have a Lightning, Sea Prince , Hunter, JP, Sea King all need tlc the list goes on.... Oh and Welcome Mate:-D

  5. Beats a garden gnome any day.



    OOPS ! just upset my mate asked him why they use East European men to mount aircraft on, With a name like Porembski and being of Polish nationality I should have been more diplomatic... now how do I get this adjustable spanner out of the back of my head without getting blood on my clean shirt ?:nut:

  6. I love it when 'experts' use acronyms etc and I always make a point of asking what it means. The first time you do it you have about a 50:50 chance they do not know exactly what it stands for anyway so it is them that looks foolish but if you do it several times in succession, even if they do know them all (which is unlikely), the constant asking makes them look foolish anyway so you win the exchange in the end! The good one is when they don't know the exact expression but you do and tell them! I hate it when people try to exclude others with intentionally obscure language: teachers and the medical profession seem more likely than most to do this in my experience.


    For a job, I write a lot of reports for use in the Law Courts and we have a very simple convention: the first time you refer to something, even if you are sure the reader does know what it means, you write it down in full and then put the acronym in brackets. Further references to it in the same document are then just the acronym so what the public still call Community Service would appear as: " a sentence of Unpaid Work (UPW)" and then each subsequent reference is just "UPW". Works for us!


    "DD" does not stand for "Donald Duck" however, no matter what veterans may tell you and "Valentine" is not an acronym of Vickers' address!


    My wife is a teacher, and yes you are spot on ! so I blag her with Aviation terminology !! my god she does go to sleep quick !!:shocked:

  7. I'm looking at buying a BMW F800GS for commuting to work. So far I've phoned for quotes from BMW's insurance (who use a normal broker) and Carol Nash. BMW's was £298 fully comp with all the usual extras like breakdown, European cover, helmet and leathers etc. Bike would be parked outside (no garage) brand new (£8,000) an no no claims on a bike. Does this sound good?


    Going to try go compair etc and see what I can get it down to.


    Be wary of comparison sites ! you get the basic low price then you do the extras !!! you will be surprised how little cover you actualy get ! Brokers are wisening up to these deals and are sharpening their pencils ! Just asked our 'underwriter expert' he says you may get a better deal fronm 'Bike insurer' they are part of Sky brokerage, however the BMW package is keenly priced for the service they offer,hope this helps;)

  8. I didn't mean to overwhelm you, the trouble is a lot of acronyms etc. used on military vehicles are non purely military, SWB, LWB etc are just as much Civilian as Military so you are unlikely to find this sort of thing on a Military acronym/ glossary website.

    Plenty of light reading for me !:nut: the problem we have at the air museum is that certain individuals love to 'laud it' over other mere mortals and continually speak in acronyms etc. I have often heard so called experts bamboozle newbies with Bs. Anyway thanks again most usefull ! I'll be back in the spring....:D

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