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Rick W

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Posts posted by Rick W

  1. The gearbox on the MB needs serious attention. Would it make sense to remove the transfer case first before taking off gearbox? If you read the workshop manual it seems to indicate that the engine needs jacking up before you can take it out? Any advice, hints and tips appreciated.

  2. There are plenty of pics around showing beutewagens, captured allied forces vehicles, from WW2. But I have never seen any, apart from one, captured axis vehicle under allied forces. The pic Im thinking of is a Schwimmwagen being driven by GI's. Is there a reason for this? Was it not a done thing to drive around in captured vehicles? I know that the axis commissioned workshops to convert captured vehicles. Has anyone got any pics they care to post up?

  3. In its 3rd year this weekend saw the busiest weekend for M.K.Museum. The weather was superb, all the museum "shops" were manned by volunteers in period costume. Wartime dances in the new hall, along with singing from Lola L'Amour thoughout the day.Various re-enactment groups, military and civilian. A new feature this year was the traders stalls, who were busy throughout the weekend. Also new for the event was a flying display from the BBMF Spitfire on the Saturday which was greatly enjoyed by everyone, and really set the atmosphere for the weekend. Also of particular note was the presence of a Chev truck with artic trailer complete with aircraft engine and spares. It was only the trucks second outing, but the trucks had to be seen to be believed, it looked like it had just come out of the factory.

    Have a look at the pics in the flickr link below if only for the pics of the truck.



  4. Looking for a possible holiday venue in normandy next year, hoping for a location close to beaches, has to have something near to entertain sprigs, can anyone recommend anywhere? I went to Ouistreham when I was a nipper and found it good, don't know if it's still the same, any thoughts welcome!

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