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Posts posted by andym

  1. Here is a poor picture of the vehicle in question. It was a DERA concept (later QinetiQ), known as the 6x6 Combat Support Vehicle. It had hybrid electric transmission, with six independant electric motors driving the wheels.


    Known as the HEDV (Hybrid Electric Demonstrator Vehicle) IIRC. Six hub-mounted motors with a two-speed epicyclic gearbox in each hub, two 80kW generators and two 80kW Zebra batteries. There's a video here: http://www.qinetiq.com/home/defence/defence_solutions/landjo/HED/HED_demo_movie.html



  2. I will try and get a list together of what he has got but I do not want to be in breach of HMVF terms and conditions so I would prefer contact via pm rather than the forum.




    PM sent - possibly twice by accident as the site seems very sluggish tonight!



  3. Try this one it's simple enough to make on veroboard if you dont fancy making a pcb and can go into a small plastic box.



    It's around on lots of electronic sites and seems to be from the IC manafacturers data sheet, so is a none copyright item for none comercial use.




    That's the wrong way round - he wants to convert 6V to 12V!



  4. What programme is that from, out of interest? And I know we shouldn't engage in politics, but scrapping the TSR2 at that stage in its development was possibly the most stupid thing I've seen a government do.



  5. Apparently, it's not very clever to use the stuff in marine engines. Not sure why but it's what I have read.




    I think you'll find that's because of the dreaded "diesel bug" - organic biomass that breeds in the fuel and forms black lumps and sludge which eventually block filters and pipes. What interests me is how long this will take to be a problem in the MV community, bearing in mind that the causes are fuel that has been subject to daily variations in temperature and stored for several months without use. Does that sound familiar? :undecided:



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